My name is gretta fahey from newbrook, claremorris, co. mayo, Ireland. I have neural smart dust primarily in my brain and spinal cord and also throughout my body. Because of this I have been interlinked to a network of computers which are ultimately controlled by a network of criminals formerly called the self proclaimed elite but now they are being universally being seen as " the elite of the bottom of a trash can" as quoted by Mark Passio. Because of the neural smart dust which has permeated both my brain and spinal cord, voices and images are being projected into my head and have been so for more than fifteen years. Further to this the smart dust permeation has now enabled neuro specialists to move the muscles of my face and neck against my will and without my permission whenever they wish to do so. The voices which I hear coming from inside my head on a constant basis were heard by me to say the following "Who signed the deed of service to have this done to gretta fahey? After which a response said as follows That is an original service protocol from out of state. We can not touch it without authorization" Does anybody know what this means?
To (583)
Many individuals throughout Ireland and the rest of the world are being illegally implanted both on their skin and inside their bodies by illegal spraying of the air with metallic chips in a process which is being called geo-engineering. These targeted individuals are then being wirelessly linked to networks of computers from their brains and bodies via other illegal implants which are being induced to make contact with these metallic chips by wireless enabled technology. I am one of these Irish targeted individuals. I have informed the world of my experiences on my website which is called ; All experimentations which are continually being conducted on Irish and other targeted individuals are being covered up by the mental health act. All individuals throughout Ireland who are being illegally and immorally experimented on by wireless means via illegal implants are being dismissed as schizophrenic. Censorship of their online blogs is currently in the works. Electronic mind control is being encouraged to be used against all of the Irish people who are not already aware of the process of wireless enslavement of human beings which is a future possibility for them and their children.
A Voice to Skull voice which I heard coming from inside my head in the past twenty minutes was heard by me to say the following " I command you " . I replied " What are you going around commanding your own equals for like a plonker"? The reason he attempted to command me was because I was refusing to remove my computer from the room I am currently in and extraneous information is coming through from my computer into my brain and body to the extent that the neuro operatives can not work on inputting unwanted digital signals into my brain and body. I am refusing to remove my computer from the room that I am in on the grounds that I have nothing to lose because these neuro operatives have intimated that they are going to destroy my personhood by remote means regardless of what I do or say. They implied that there are dark times ahead for my country if I will not co operate. However, they often imply that there are dark times ahead for my country no matter what anyone does or says, so I will not co operate with them no matter what they command me to do.
The new world order cabal have been using the strategy of "divide and conquer" in order to gain power over families, communities, nations and the whole human race. They have attempted to break down the family unit by many and varied subtle means. They have used both church and state to push their agenda. Most agents of church and state can not see the big picture.
Many decades ago before electronic mind control took over, trauma based mind control was used by schools and churches. The clergy urged parents to severely physically discipline their children on the understanding that if the children were not totally obedient to the teaching of the church they would burn in hell for all eternity and the parents might also burn in hell for not disciplining the children enough. Many parents believed this dictate because there was no conflicting information allowed into circulation via the main stream media at the time. This practice alienated many children from their parents.
Parents were also encouraged to lie to their children when the children were at a vulnerable age where they needed to totally trust their parents for reasons of survival. Parents forced the Santa Clause lie and the Tooth Fairy lie on their children so that the children could never fully trust their parents again in the future. This also served to inculcate the children into the belief that it is acceptable to be dishonest.
The main stream media attempted to break down strong family units through promoting promiscuity in magazines which were published for teenage readership on the understanding that Teenagers are at an impressionable age and can be much easier to manipulate than adults.
Private home ownership is a source of power for families who are fighting against the interests of the new world order cabal. The main stream media successfully pushed the idea of not allowing adult children to live in the mostly privately owned family home after the age of twenty four. The new world order cabal wishes young people to either borrow large amounts of money so that they become debt slaves or else to live in rented accommodation where they could be evicted if they did not fall in line with the wishes of the new world order cabal. In recent times, algorythms have been used to place ownership of homes out of the reach of most young adults.
Church and state encouraged parents to send children to school when the children had turned four years old. A childs mind can be compared to liquid which does not set into a solid mind set until the age of seven on average. When the state has access to the minds of children before the age of seven agents of the state can easily inculcate the child into a heirarchical based mind set to the extent that the child becomes unable to challenge false authority in adulthood and in this way they can allow themselves to be enslaved.
For every one homeless person in our country there are three homes lying empty and going derelict. If a homeless person was allowed to live in one of these homes they would keep it warn and clean and they would stop it becoming derelect. All of these empty homes are a source of value to our country. However, man made laws are being used against our interests at every turn.
The new world order cabal is actively building conflict between ethnic groups in Ireland at the moment. They have achieved this by first of all enacting unfair laws in favour of the travelling community so as to set up the travelling community as a hate group. They then subtly inflame hatred against the travelling community in a process where they use gradualism and incrementalism to achieve their aims. I believe that many travellers are being subjected to remote neural monitoring because I heard of one travelling family where four members committed suicide within a short space of time. The travelling community are difficult to control because they constantly move around, which is their birth right. The new world order cabal wish to rigidly control and eventually enslave all of us. They may wish to eliminate the travelling community entirely. In order to solve this situation, we aught to set up motor home parking facilities which we all can use at the edge of each town for the purposes of taking vacations, and which the travelling community can use for the purposes of continuing their nomadic lifestyle. In that way, we can befriend and integrate with the travelling community and protect them from hate groups.
I currently hear voices coming from inside my head. The general public must now confront the fact that technology has existed that can transmit voices inside the heads of random members of the public by wireless capabilities for many decades and the science is easily explainable.
The general public must also confront the fact that they have been in denial about this because to acknowledge the truth would lead to a public crisis like no other.
I have been lead to believe that the following method is the one that is being used to wirelessly transmit the voices which I hear coming from inside my head. We all have ingested neural dust in our food and water. This neural dust has lodged inside our brains and bodies, some of which has coagulated into larger units over time. These larger units of neural dust which I will call nodes are being used to draw energy into a computer network from my brain circuits in order to provide information to the neuro operatives about the condition of the nodes. If said nodes are sufficiently large enough they can then be used to create an electronic circuit board inside the human brain. Each coagulated neural dust node can be connected to another coagulated neural dust node by way of streaming digital signals from one node to another node through the computer network that they have been wirelessly linked to. This electronic circuit board can then be used by the criminal neuro operatives to upload voices, images, short videos, odours, sensations and tastes into the brain and mind of the targeted individual. Furthermore, this electronic circuit board inside my brain is now being used on an almost daily basis to move the muscles of my face and neck against my will and without my permission.
The cover stories that are being most commonly used to cover up advances in neuro science are the cover story that the subject who is experiencing strange phenomena is mentally unwell or is having supernatural experiences. Neither is true.
The nodes of neural dust which have coagulated inside my brain and body over many years are not in my favour. They are being used to slowly enslave me. I could find myself in a situation at some time in the future where criminal neuro operatives could close my mouth or eyes against my will and refuse to allow me to open them again unless I do their bidding. I could also be paralysed by wireless means and from a remote location in the future if I do not find a way to dissolve the coagulated nodes of neural dust inside my brain and body. Some fellow targeted individuals of remote neural manipulation have suggested I drink ozonated water or Epsom salts in order to dissolve the coagulated nodes of neural dust inside my brain and body. I am currently drinking both of these drinks. I have not noticed any change in the level of invasion into my mind and body by these remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation staff. Please urgently disassemble and ban microwave transmitters if you wish that you and your children to live in freedom from wireless tethering to computer networks. Otherwise neural enslavement of many individuals is now imminent.
Many good will human beings throughout Ireland and the rest of the world are being monitored and harassed by criminal neuro operatives who use wireless electronic weapons while these good will human beings are trying to go about their lives peacefully. Wireless electronic capabilities are also being used to mass mind control the whole of society by entraining their brains into a state of false contentment while their civil rights are being slowly but surely eroded on a daily basis.
Individuals who have already been linked by wireless means to a covert in-home monitoring system are attempting to convince the rest of the human race to urgently have all wireless capabilities disassembled and banned across the board. Some others reply that wireless capabilities are essential to maintain the economy of our country which in turn would maintian our current standard of living. However, the economy can no longer be part of the equasion because wireless capabilities are being used to burn down homes by remote wireless means. Wireless capabilities are also being used to inflict pain and torture of a number of human beings via deeply imbedded implants and other means while these human beings are inside their own homes attempting to live peaceful lives.
Wireless capabilities can be used to burn human beings to death in a covert war. When metal objects such as spoons are placed in a microwave oven they catch fire. We are now being informed that we have metallic particulates inside our bodies and brains which we inhale and ingest due to chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads in a process known as geoengineering. These metallic particulates are currently being found in our food supply. The capability exists to turn microwave transmitters which are attached to telephone towers way up to a much higher power transmission. It may be possible to control these microwave transmitters from one central location. Therefore the capability now exists to burn us inside our homes due to these metallic particulates being inside our bodies. A cover story could then be provided that we were burned to death by the spread of wildfires during hot weather.
Wireless capabilities are being used to force private human beings to hear intelligent voices issuing commands to them via implants during which these intelligent voices are being heard by them coming from inside their own heads. If the victim should refuse to obey the commands of these inner voices they are being informed by these inner voices that their utilities including electricity, water and waste collection will be stopped and their bank accounts will be disabled and if their are in public housing they will be evicted forthwith. These intelligent sounding inner voices are telling the human subjects concerned that this wireless enslavement system is being means for everyone. It is currently being set up throughout the republic of Ireland. It is commonly known within the network as remote neural monitoring.
Please consider having all wireless enabling transmitters and related paraphernalia disassembled and banned urgently.
Individuals who have already been placed on remote neural monitoring attempt to explain to psychiatrists and others exactly what they are experiencing. A strongly conditioned false belief in the validity of psychiatry has been etched into the minds of society over many decades and centuries. They are giving credence to a university discipline that has can not be backed by scientific means. Psychiatry is based on non-science. Psychiatry is based on the subjective opinions of psychiatrists. There is no test available to support their subjective opinions.
Psychiatry is currently being furthered as a back door to currently disempower anybody who attempts to highlight the truth that they have been placed on a remote neural monitoring system. The victim is being told that there is no such system in existence as remote neural monitoring. They are being told that they have a chemical imbalance in their brain which is genetically determined and they will have it for life and there is nothing they can do about it and they will forever be limited and restricted and they must continually ingest tablets which dampen down their creativity, their sensitivity and their awareness. They are being told that they are sick and the psychiatrist can see this but that they can not.
The entire field of psychiatry is now implicated in covering up the crime of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation. However, because of the wide use of electronic mind control especially against individuals who live or work near telephone towers and because of the fact they all of Irish society are unknowingly ingesting and inhaling nano particulates which eventually become imbedded in their bodies and brains, their brains are now working to the dictates of external programming rather than the power of their own minds. The signals which subliminally influence them are coming from telephone towers in their environment and are redirected to their brains from smart engineered technology inside their homes and offices. We can easily return to wired technology without it impacting our quality of life. Please consider having telephone towers and related paraphernalia urgently banned.
There is currently a small hole in the Titanic. It can very easily be repaired. However, many on board are asleep and are unaware of the danger. If we wait until 5G which is fifth generation wireless technology become operational within the next year the technological capabilities of our enemies to wirelessly enslave us will become infinitely more powerful. 5G can remote neural monitor hundred of thousands of human beings simultaneously, whereby they would hear a voice issuing them commands via voice to skull direct communication. These commands would come from the hearing centres of their own brains. If they failed to obey these commands they could receive an electric shock or they could have their utilities cancelled within days. I know this situation to be the case because I have been on this cruel system for more than fifteen years, and I am aware of at least one dozen of my fellow Irish men and women who are also currently on a similar control and enslavement system.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo. My website where I outline my experiences of being on a remote neural monitoring control and enslavement system is called
I am a targeted individual of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation. Over the past fifteen years, unknown individuals gained more and more control over the muscles of my body against my will and without my permission. These individuals speak to me using a two way stream of electromagnetic energy which has become locked on to me wirelessly by my unique brain signature. Many of the muscles in my face and body can now be moved against my will. I now believe that I know how they are achieving control over my muscles based on conversations which I have had with these inner voices.
All digital media screens are reverse cameras which enable other individuals who work from a distance to see our body energy fields while we are using the digital media screens. These other individuals inject digital signals into the body of a selection of individuals who have come to be known as targeted individual while the targeted individual is using their screen, while being largely unaware that their energy field is being interfered with. Eventually, over many years, the targeted individuals muscles can be made to jerk and move by the other individuals who constantly work on them from a distance. Still later, the targeted individuals feel that their whole body is taken on a life of its own and they may even experience their arms and legs moving against their wills. Targeted individuals have reported that they have been forced to hit themselves with their own fist. One targeted individual, a Canadian woman called Rohinie Besisar claimed in a court of law that her whole body was taken over and she was forced against her will to stab another woman to death. She is widely believed to be telling the truth by the targeted individual community. For further information on her story please see the following link
If you are a targeted individual of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation and if a large amount of extraneous digital information has already been downloaded onto your human energy field also known as your aura there may be a chance that you can distort the extraneous digital information which has been inlaid into your human energy field by using an ultrasound machine such as a pest repellent device which uses high frequency sound waves which may or may not distort the extraneous digital information in your aura. You can clean your aura of all unwanted extraneous digital information by drinking your own urine which was considered by many ancient cultures to be the body's own best medicine. This practice is known as urophagia or urine therapy. For more information about urine therapy please see the following link
If enough extraneous digital information has already been downloaded onto your human energy field, at that stage even if you stop using all digital media screens it may not help you because the individuals who work on manipulating your human energy field from a distant location will have enough information already inlaid into your energy field to continue with their work of gaining total control over your body to the extent that they could paralyse you at will on a whim in order to enslave you. If and when they achieve their aim of totally enslaving you by rendering you paralysed if you refuse to obey their every command, then you are amalgamated into the worldwide slave community. You would then be either given a new name and taken out of your country to a new location or otherwide work would be found for you in your own country. You would be forced to marry one of the slave handlers. Your own family would not be allowed to know that you were a secret slave. This worldwide slave community exists and is growing exponentially. It is governed over by the dark luciferians who own large tracts of land inside every country throughout the world including Ireland. The Irish land they own may be in County Roscommon, near Athleague. There is a lake near the entrance to the slave compound.
Whenever a smart meter is installed inside a home that home can then be burned down by wireless remote means by the use of directed energy weapons. I believe that the forced installation of smart meters is part of the plan of the dark new world order crime cartel to cull the human race as explained by Dr Rima Labow in her youtube video which can be found at the following link. Said dark new world order crime cabal have stated publicly that we are useless eaters and we are using up the limited supply of natural resources on earth and they have also stated that they plan to cull us.
For millions of years well informed human beings have known that it is much easier to use mind control cults in order to control their fellow human beings rather than to keep them under their control by the use of a standing army. These well informed bloodline families have become experts in the type of psychology that is necessary to keep the masses under mind control rather than body control. These bloodline families have created most if not all of the organised religions on the planet and they have done so over thousands of years if not hundreds of thousands of years.
Logical thinking has no part to play in organised religions. The control cult leaders dissuade all use of logic in the primary and secondary school system. When initiating any new organised religion the control cult leaders use any and all means possible to initiate their possible followers into a new false belief system. They use repetition and reverence and ritual. They use opulent displays and magnificent surroundings. They use fear as the corner stone of all belief systems. If they succeed in convincing their congregation that something of a super-natural nature has taken place during a solemn procedure then they are well on their way to success in the takeover of the whole country via the minds of the population.
From that day on they begin to organise themselves into a hierarchical based control system. Heirarchical based systems are always intrinsically evil because once you belong to a hierarchical based system you are expected to be obedient to the hierarchical based chain of command. You are dissuaded from using your own free will. You are persuaded to unquestioningly follow the dictates of the leader. In order to do that you must never exercise your own conscience. Whenever somebody asks you to ignore your conscience and obediently follow their orders without any perspective of their true objectives they are the embodiment of evil.
Human beings have enjoyed freedom of expression ever since we first lived on earth. Archaeologists have found evidence to suggest that humans have lived on earth for at least five hundred million years. Therefore human beings have enjoyed freedom of expression for at least five hundred million years. Who has the authority to take away our freedom of expression after five hundred million years of us enjoying it. Nobody of course. However, leaders of control cults are well aware that their organised religions will fall into disuse if we are freely allowed to express the truth of what they really are. They really are mind control methods which are in widespread use to persuade us to abandon logical thinking, and to give away our money and our free will to individuals whose true agenda we can never know.
The logical definition of the phrase " a faith based belief system " is a belief system that has been given to children at a very young age. They have never been taught to analyse the faith based information logically. It is taught that if they question the faith based teaching they could face eternal damnation. They are inculcated into the false belief that having "faith" without analysis is a positive attribute when in actual fact it is a negative attribute. Constant repitition in the form of prayer and church attendance is then used to keep the faithful inside the false belief system. Because of this repetition, they are unable to deprogram themselves for the entirety of their lives. The controllers of the organised religion then become wealthy and powerful and enjoy a high status in society.
If the Irish referendum is passed on 26th October, 2018, blasphemy will no longer be a criminal offence and that is wonderful news.
The perps who have been generating the V2K inner voices inside my head for the past fifteen years have decided to quit their post due to unforeseen circumstances. However, when they gave a public notice to quit they were denied permission to do so. This policy is symbolic of the fact that the perps as well as the targeted individuals are now considered slaves by the would-be enslavers of the human race. The only way around this onerous situation is to have all telephone masts as well as microwave transmitters urgently abolished so as to deny said would-be enslavers both the wireless and microwave capabilities they need in order to continue scientificially experimenting on us, targeted individuals by wireless means. Hundreds of thousands of wirelessly tortured individuals throughout the world would immediately be set free to enjoy a new lease of life. Act urgently.
There is a conspiracy to enslave the human race by a variety of means including by wirelessly linking each and everyone of us to a computer network from brain implants. The computer network enslavement protocol is owned and controlled by various secret societies of dark occultists. This situation is well in its advancement stages but owing to the fact that now all main stream media is owned and controlled by these dark occultists most individuals have no idea of the extreme danger to their freedom. These dark occultists have been attempting to slowly and incrementally enslave us for many centuries by man-made laws and by financial means as well as through a system of documenting anybody in the know as being of unsound mind. The intention of the dark occultists is to totally disempower us and to leave us without the ability to own any material possessions what so ever. They are using mass electronic mind control which is being emitted by telephone towers and other towers in order to lull their fellow human beings into a false sense of security and freedom. These dark occultists use the main stream media to promote and maintain the use of negative behaviours in society because over time negative behaviours weaken us. They deliberately atomise society by creating an unnecessary culture of emigration combined with migration, both inwards and outwards. They cultivate a climate of constant over work, where pointless, totally unessential and damaging work is the norm. They wish to ultimately eliminate all privacy from society. They are currently attempting to set up a rigid hierarchical based chain of command. Church and state are now seen to be working as one. My work on the matter has been disclaimed on the grounds that I have been falsely documented as being of unsound mind.
The afore mentioned secret societies of dark occultists are composed of the deep state which comprises of the top level members of approximately seventeen different intelligence agencies from around the world, along with inter-related blood line families, as well the controlling forces behind organised religions and most of the members of the council for foreign relations, among others. Others as well as myself have suggested that we aught to take DNA samples from military leaders, senior politicians, supreme court judges as well as all unelected decision makers throughout the world as a means of identifying those who are attempting to enslave us by wireless means. As there is no protocol in place to achieve this by current means we aught to urgently stage a worldwide revolution. We aught to supply ourselves with electromagnetic spectrum analysers in order to identify and help those who are secretly under attack from directed energy weapons and other means. As yet, countless targeted individuals of remote energy attacks have been unable to prove that invisible energy is being used to in-home monitor and electronically attack them. Please organise to have all telephone towers and related paraphernalia disassembled and banned as a matter of urgency. We have only a few months to achieve this level counter attack because if fifth generation millimetre wave transmitters become operational in the next few years the capabilities of said dark occultists to wirelessly in-home monitor and electronically attack us will increase exponentially. This matter is urgent. Please attend to it now.
The definition of obedience is somebody who has become so intimidated by abuse that they are no longer able to challenge false authority to the extent that they are willing to carry out orders of extreme evil without question. Attempt to get co-operation in a child, never obedience.
We all have been inhaling and ingesting neural dust for the past dozen years or more from chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads. That neural dust has now lodged in our brains, spinal cords and muscles. We can be made to have wirelessly enabled virtual reality experiences against our wills without ever wearing virtual reality head-sets. False cover stories are being used to cover up these virtual reality experiences such as the experiencer is being accused of being mentally unwell or the experiencer is falsely informed that their experience was super-natural in origin when in fact it was scientific and technological in origin. The neural dust which is lodged in our brains, spinal cords and throughout our bodies is being used to electronically mind control a large percentage of the western world and it is being used to externally body control a smaller percentage of the western world. When the section of society who are under external body control attempt to raise awareness of their plight to the much larger electronically mind controlled sector of the human race, the electronically mind control sector of society react inappropriately to the news. Because of their electronic mind controlled state they go into denial and accuse the messenger of being mentally unwell after which they then return to a state of unconcern. We are in extreme danger from advances in technology. We need to disassemble telephone towers, microwave transmitters, millimetre wave transmittters and related paraphernalia. We need to ban all aerial traffic from our skies including drones. Which group do you belong to, the electronically mind controlled sector or the externally body controlled sector? Either way, we are all in big trouble if we don't act urgently to save ourselves and to help save each other.
I am currently hearing intelligent sounding voices of my fellow human beings coming from inside my head. You will shortly begin to hear voices coming from inside your head which will be sent to you by digital signals. These inner voices are currently being generated inside the heads of millions of human beings throughout the world. There are at least four different types to technological means available to the intelligence services which they and many other groups use widely for the purposes of direct voice communication. This technology and the work the intelligence services do is covered under various secrecy clauses. However, it is an open secret that such technology exists and is in widespread use.
This morning, an unknown wirelessly transmitted voice of a real human being asked me a question. I refused to answer on the grounds that the questioner was forcing his voice inside my head against my will and without my permission in an act of extreme evil. I then heard the voice report to a colleague that he was being met with resistence. His colleague feigned surprise that I was refusing to speak to him. That colleague said that they regularly spoke to the staff during conference calls on a regular basis. That colleague was then told that I was not a member of staff because I had refused all offers of bribes which were made to me over many years via voice to skull direct communication. The colleague then went on to announce that I was a criminal and as such they had a duty to speak to me by the use of inner voice forcing technology whether I was amenable to it or not. The colleague was again informed that I was not a criminal. The colleague then replied that I was the subject of investigation and as such they had a duty to speak to me by the use of said voice forcing technology.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland. My landline home telephone number is 0949360901. I am a real and verified human being. The voices which I hear coming from inside my head have informed me that my long term receipt of disability allowance is uninvestigatible by the normal means because I am claiming disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome and bladder problems. Neither of these conditions can be investigated for eligibility under normal conditions so I was placed on a program called remote neural monitoring more than fifteen years ago. nother reason that I was placed on remote neural monitoring was because I officially informed a disability assessment doctor that I had been neglected by main stream medicine for my irritable bowel syndrome condition and I had been denied a request for disability allownace which I made to Dr John Connolly, Pontoon, Castebar, Co. Mayo in the past. I have written my whole story on my website which is called ; Most of the story can easily be listened to on several youtube videos which are linked to that website. If or when 5G , fifth generation technology becomes operational then millions of human beings can be placed on remote neural monitoring at the same time, against their wills and without their permission. They will by linked via telephone lines close to their homes to hostile and insulting voices which they will hear day and night every waking moment. They wont be allowed to sleep. They will sometimes receive electric shocks and other sensations. This brain wave technology is enslavement technology. Please organise to have all telephone masts urgently banned in order to save yourself and your children from imminent enslavement.
IrishTargeted individuals of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation no longer inform the Irish Gardaí or psychiatrists of their torturous experiences of being remote neural monitored and remote neural manipulated because we are disbelieved by all concerned. This is more than likely due to the fact that electronic mind control has become universal throughout Ireland and we can no longer get through to them verbally, and we no longer trust man-made laws which have become so out of alignment with natural law and ethics that they should no longer be honoured.
We have all been inhaling and ingesting neural dust for the past few decades , which has lodged in our brains, spinal cords and throughout our bodies. This neural dust is being sprayed on us by chemtrail spraying of the sky. Neural dust particles then coagulate in the bodies of all individuals into smart neural dust. Said individual strands of smart neural dust are then individally linked by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to a computer network. Each piece of smart dust goes into the creating of a circuit board inside a selection of human beings of whom I am one. I currently have a circuit board of smart dust inside my brain and body. The muscles of my face and neck are being moved on a daily basis against my will and without my permission. Voices, short videos, images and sensations as well as pain signals are being uploaded into my brain and body at the will of unknown neuro operatives who work by wireless means from a remote location to bio-robotize me and thereby to virtually enslave me. If you have any ideas as to how I may save myself from the fate of being bio-robotized please help me. All ideas are gratefully appreciated.
Sister Keri Burnor’s story reveals the globalist agendas of human trafficking and genocide for all mankind by way of being tethered to AI systems, experiments, torture, etc., wherein the ultimate objective is to network the biological systems of man with a system of artificial intelligence, reducing humanity to a totally controllable status. This is being accomplished through many different programs, operations, and applications that attack mankind’s environment: the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the products we use, and the information systems we are exposed to.
I myself believe that state legislators along with the police and psychiatrists have an abundance of neural smart dust lodged in their brains and spines and muscles to the extent that their brains can be preprogrammed to believe that voice hearers are mentally unwell even though that is not true.
That is one of the reasons that I no longer inform the police or psychiatry of my plight. Another reason that I no longer inform them that I am wirelessly tethered to a computer network and I can not break free is because if I even say one sentence to the police I immediately lose all of my legal rights and by speaking to them I am handing them all of my legal power. I believe that the Gardai are being wirelessly remotely influenced because their work places are situated close to telephone masts which contain microwave transmitters and these microwave transmitters transmit messages to the communication devices that the gardai carry on their person and then their communication devices re-transmit these messages directly to their brains. It is difficult for the gardai to over ride this remote influencing technology. There is no way of over riding it . It is deemed to be very powerful. Psychiatrists are under a similar remote influencing system. They appear to be unable to confront the fact that twenty first century scientific and technological advances are being used against the general population and instead accuse any and all of being mentally unwell when they complain of wirelessly enabled electronic harassment which has become widespread in Ireland and throughout the world.