NEURO (87)

I am a non-consenting victim of remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation which is being conducted by unknown criminals who work from unknown remote locations and this situation has been happening to me continuously for more than seventeen years. By now I have endured so much remote neural manipulation that the unknown operatives who both remote neural monitor and remote neural manipulate my brain and central nervous system can cause most of the muscles of my body to move against my will. The aforementioned unknown criminals have informed me via brain to brain interfacing that they have now enabled a situation where they could get me to perform acts against my will by manipulating both my brain and central nervous system from an unknown remote location while I am in any public arena. They have also informed me via the same communication method that they will influence me to give one of their operatives the keys to my home on an occasion where they would influence me to meet one of their agents in public. If that occurred and I publicly handed over the keys to my home to one of their agents while under remote influencing capability they would then acknowledge to the world that I had given them the keys to my home of my own free will. They have informed me that others in their group have pulled that exact scam on a vulnerable individual while that vulnerable induvidual was being remotely influenced by brain to brain interacing capabilities and by several other means.
I now plan to leave the keys of my home in the care of someone I trust  whenever I leave home in future. If you are a targeted individual of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation please be aware of this type of manipulation and act to protect yourself from it. My website which I alone own and control is called My name is Gretta Fahey and my address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 094 9360901.

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The Neuro-Specific Human Rights Bill

Shad Budge started this petition to all of humanity
By signing this petition, I support the efforts of enacting this bill into the legislation of every country across the globe.
Visit our website here:
Neuro-Specific Human Rights Bill
Rapid advancements in human neuroscience and neurotechnology open unprecedented possibilities for accessing, collecting, sharing and manipulating information from the human brain. Such applications raise important challenges to human rights principles that need to be addressed to prevent misuse or unintended negative consequences. This proposal assesses the implications of emerging neurotechnology applications in the context of the human rights framework and suggests that existing human rights are not sufficient to respond to these emerging issues. After analysing the relationship between neuroscience and human rights, we identify four new neuro-specific human rights that will be vital in the effort of protecting the human brain: the right to cognitive liberty, the right to mental privacy, the right to mental integrity, and the right to psychological continuity.
The right to cognitive liberty
The right of individuals to use emerging neurotechnologies as well the protection of individuals from the coercive and unconsented use of such technologies. The right and freedom to control one’s own consciousness and electrochemical thought processes is the necessary substrate for just about every other freedom. Cognitive liberty is necessary to all other liberties, because it is their neuro-cognitive substrate. As such, cognitive liberty resembles the notion of ‘freedom of thought’ which is usually considered the essential justification of other freedoms such as freedom of choice, freedom of speech, freedom of press, and freedom of religion. Cognitive liberty is a conceptual update of freedom of thought that takes into account the power we now have, and increasingly will have to monitor, manipulate, and alter cognitive functions. Some legal scholars such as Boire and Sententia have interpreted the right to cognitive liberty with special focus on the protection of individual freedom and self-determination from the State. For example, Sententia has claimed that “the State cannot forcibly manipulate the mental states, and implicitly the brain states of individual citizens”.
Given its conceptual complexity, cognitive liberty is multi-dimensional. Bublitz recognizes at least three “interrelated but not identical dimensions”. These are: (i) the liberty to change one’s mind or to choose whether and by which means to change one’s mind; (ii) the protection of interventions into other minds to protect mental integrity, and (iii) the ethical and legal obligation to promoting cognitive liberty. These three dimensions configure cognitive liberty as a complex right which involves the prerequisites of both negative and positive liberties: the negative liberty of making choices about one’s own cognitive domain in absence of governmental or non-governmental obstacles, barriers or prohibitions; the negative liberty of exercising one’s own right to mental integrity in absence of constraints or violations from corporations, criminal agents or the government; and finally, the positive liberty of having the possibility of acting in such a way as to take control of one’s mental life.
The right to mental privacy
The formal recognition of a right to mental privacy, which aims to protect any bit or set of brain information about an individual recorded by a neurodevice. This right would protect brainwaves not only as data but also as data generators or sources of information. In addition, it would cover not only conscious brain data but also data that is not under voluntary and conscious control. Finally, it guarantees the protection of brain information in absence of an external tool for identifying and filtering that information. Paul Wolpe has suggested that due to fears of government oppression, we should draw a bright line around the use of mind-reading technologies:
“The skull should be designated as a domain of absolute privacy. No one should be able to probe an individual’s mind against their will. We should not permit it with a court order. We should not permit it for military or national security. We should forgo the use of the technology under coercive circumstances even though using it may serve the public good”
Similarly, it has been argued by J Stanley that “non-consensual mind reading is not something we should ever engage in”. The claim is that mind-reading techniques constitute “a fundamental affront to human dignity”. Consequently, “we must not let our civilization’s privacy principles degrade so far that attempting to peer inside a person’s own head against their will ever become regarded as acceptable”. In short, the right to mental privacy is to protect people against access to their brain information and to prevent the indiscriminate leakage of brain data across the infosphere.
The right to mental integrity
This reconceptualized right should provide a specific normative protection from potential neurotechnology-enabled interventions involving the unauthorized alteration of a person’s neural computation and potentially resulting in direct harm to the victim. For an action to qualify as a threat to mental integrity, it has to: (i) involve the direct access to and/or manipulation of neural signaling (ii) be unauthorized –i.e. must occur in absence of the informed consent of the signal generator. As neurotechnology becomes part of the digital ecosystem and neural computation rapidly enters the infosphere, the mental integrity of individuals will be increasingly endangered if specific protective measures are not implemented. The forced intrusion into and alteration of a person’s neural processes pose an unprecedented threat to a person’s mental integrity.
The growing field of memory engineering will likely represent a paramount challenge to the right to mental integrity. Several techniques have been developed to engineer, boost, or selectively erase memories from a person’s mind. For example, Nabavi and colleagues used an optogenetics technique to erase and subsequently restore selected memories by applying a stimulus via optical laser that selectively strengthens or weakens synaptic connections. These findings may hold big potential for the treatment of such diseases as Alzheimer’s and PTSD. At the same time, however, the misuse of these techniques by malevolent actors may generate unprecedented opportunities for mental manipulation and brainwashing. On the long term-scenario, they could be used by surveillance and security agencies with the purpose of selectively erasing dangerous or inconvenient memories from people’s brains as portrayed in the movie Men in Black with the so-called neuralyzer. The potential motives of illicit memory alteration are various, including increasing national security or exerting control over individuals or groups.
The right to psychological continuity
The right to psychological continuity can be seen as a special neuro-focused instance of the right to identity. What the right to psychological continuity aims to prevent is the induced alteration of neural functioning. The right to psychological continuity will protect the mental substrates of personal identity from unconscious and unconsented alteration by third parties through the use of invasive or non-invasive neurotechnology.
In addition to mental privacy and mental integrity, people’s perception of their own identity may be put at risk by inadequate uses of emerging neurotechnology. Changes in brain function caused by brain stimulation may also cause unintended alterations in mental states critical to personality, and can thereby affect an individual’s personal identity. In particular, it has been observed that brain stimulation may have an impact on the psychological continuity of the person, i.e. the crucial requirement of personal identity consisting in experiencing oneself as persisting through time as the same person. Several cases have been reported in scientific literature in which deep brain stimulation (DBS) has led to behavioral changes such as increased impulsivity and aggressiveness or changes in sexual behavior. A study involving patients treated with DBS showed that more than half of them articulated a feeling of strangeness and unfamiliarity with themselves after surgery “I do not feel like myself anymore”; “I feel like a robot”. In parallel, memory engineering technologies may impact a person’s identity by selectively removing, altering, adding or replacing individual memories that are relevant to their self-recognition as persons.
However, threats to this right are more likely to happen outside clinical settings. For instance, in the context of intelligence and military agencies, it has been reported that over the last decades violations of human rights have taken place in experiments involving brain implants, drug administrations, electromagnetic shock therapy, sensory deprivation, isolation, physical, psychological, verbal and sexual abuse, hypnosis, the attempted creation of Manchurian candidates, the implantation of false memories and induction of amnesia. Most of these experiments were conducted on unwitting and helpless civilians and in the absence of any external review or representation for the experimental subjects or any meaningful follow-up. The new knowledge and technologies in the field of neuroscience clearly offer new and more efficient possibilities for carrying out unconsented personality changes. For example, Pycroft recently reported the concern that brain implants like DBS are vulnerable to attack by third parties who want to exert malicious control over the users’ brain activity. They called this risk of modification of a person’s brain activity through unauthorized use of neuro devices by third parties ‘brainjacking’.
Negative consequences of brainjacking include (i) information theft, which would result in a violation of the right to mental privacy; (ii) cessation of stimulation, draining implant batteries, inducing tissue damage, and impairment of motor function, which would result in violations of the right to mental integrity. However, some possible consequences of brainjacking such as alteration of impulse control, modification of emotions or affect, induction of pain, and modulation of the reward system could be achieved even in absence of any violation of mental privacy and integrity. In those circumstances of unauthorized modification of the cognitive-emotional-affective dimension a different type of human right violation seems to be at stake: the violation of the right to psychological continuity.
In short, the right to psychological continuity ultimately tends to preserve personal identity and the coherence of the individual’s behavior from unconsented modification by third parties. It protects the continuity across a person’s habitual thoughts, preferences, and choices by protecting the underlying neural functioning.
The volume and variety of neurotechnology applications is rapidly increasing inside and outside the clinical and research setting. The ubiquitous distribution of cheaper, scalable and easy-to-use neuroapplications has the potential of opening unprecedented opportunities at the brain-machine interface level and making neurotechnology intricately embedded in our everyday life. While this technological trend may generate immense advantage for society in many ways, its implications for ethics and the law remain largely unexplored. We argue that in the light of the disruptive change that neurotechnology is determining in the digital ecosystem, the normative terrain should be urgently prepared to prevent misuse or unintended negative consequences. In addition, given the fundamental character of the neurocognitive dimension, we argue that such normative response should not exclusively focus on tort law but also on foundational issues at the level of human right law.
This proposal of neuro-specific human rights in response to emerging advancements in neurotechnology is consistent with and a logical continuation of the proposal of developing genetic-specific human rights in response to advancements in genetics and genomics as set out by the Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights, and the International Declaration on Human Genetic Data.
The freedom of thought, freedom from slavery, torture and inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment are regarded by international human rights law as not subject to any exceptions and, therefore, as absolute rights. Absolute rights cannot be limited for any reason. No circumstance justifies a qualification or limitation of absolute rights. Absolute rights cannot be suspended or restricted, even during a declared state of emergency. The right to cognitive liberty, the right to mental privacy, the right to mental integrity, and the right to psychological continuity should also be enacted into law as absolute rights.
All credit for the Neuro-Specific Human Rights proposal belongs to Dr. Marcello Ienca and Dr. Roberto Andorno. Excerpts from their paper have been used in an effort to enact new human rights.

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I have been planning for a while to get three kittens. I had even picked out names from them, namely Nelson, Larry and Lulu. They would have been both indoor and outdoor cats with total freedom to travel where they wished. I live in a quite rural area and they would have come to no harm no matter where they wandered to. I have been watching youtube videos about keeping kittens for the past while and I was really looking forward to getting them.
However, I have decided now that it is dangerous in the current world of advances in technology to take care of kittens because of the fact that I am a targeted individual of EEG heterodyning and remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation. EEG heterodyning allows unknown neuro science criminals to wirelessly control our physical bodies from a distance and can be used to make us hurt small animals or even babies against our wills and without our permission. It is very easy for the non scientist to understand how this is achieved scientifically and I offer a full explaination here of how it is achieved here.
When ever we move a muscle in our arm an electrical signal is first generated inside the motor cortex of our brain and it travels through our central nervous system down to our arm. We now have metallic particulates and other materials saturated throughout our bodies and brains which were injected into us through vaccinations and which we ingested through our food and water. By these metallic particulates we have become human antennas and because of this we have become senders and receivers of electrical signals which can be read wirelessly and by other means by neuro operatives who work from unknown remote locations. These electrical signals which our bodies and brains generate are being translated at the speed of light into what muscles we are moving in the privacy of our own homes and what thoughts we are thinking in the privacy of our own heads. Because I myself am a long term non-consensual victim of neuro experimentation the electrical signals that my motor cortex is generating are being monitored, measured and manipulated every day as I attempt to live a normal peaceful life.

By reading and translating the electrical signals in orther parts of the human brain such as the visual cortex, the auditory cortex and the sensory cortex, unknown neuro science criminals can also access what the non-consensual human subject of neuro experimentation is seeing, hearing and feeling. The neuro science criminals can also access the thoughts, feelings and memories of the non-consensual human subject by reading the electromagnetic frequencies being generated in still other parts of the human brain.
A frequency modulator can be used to take frequencies from the motor cortex of the human brain of a victim of neuro experimentation and mix them with incoming frequencies from another separate human being in order to enabled that other human being to take over and control the muscles and vocal cords of the victim. The non-consensual experimentee victim could by this method be forced to hurt a kitten by squeezing it too tightly. Similarly the non-consensual experimentee victim could possibly be forced to hurt a baby if there was a baby in the environment of the victim. Similarly the non-consensual experimentee victim could be forced to drive a car or a truck into a crowd of people and even be made to falsely believe that he drove his truck into the crowd of people through his own carelessness. This has happened throughout the world on many occasions because the individuals who own and run the neuro weapons industry wish us to eventually abandon use of our own personal vehicles and agree to be driven around in self driven vehicles in future which would seriously curtail our freedom to travel where we wished and when we wished.
The repercussions of the use of Remote Neural Manipulation which is sometimes known as EEG heterodyning are extreme. Individuals who have become non-consensual victims of neuro scientific experimentation could be formed into an army where they would eventually be remote controlled to cause chaos throughout the world in the fullness of time. This neuro scientific experimentation on unwilling and non-consenting human beings must be brought to a stop immediately by every government throughout the world acting together. Please do it now. My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number which I use to verify my identification is 0949360901.

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“The Pentagon has developed the ability to transmit voices and inflict pain at the touch of a button”
The above is a quote from a book by Alex Constantine called “Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A.” which was published in 1995. That technological capability has now been installed in the Republic of Ireland where a number of people are being forced to hear the voices as well as to feel the pain of those who have access to this pentagon owned technology. When they complain they are being wrongly disbelieved by the Gardaí, Psychiatrists, Newspaper Owners and politicians because these government agents and others have been placed under the influence of strong microwave mind control. They are being asked to work close to microwave transmitters in almost all cases.
There is a political movement in force today to reveal this secret abuse of advanced technology throughout the world before we all become enslaved by it. We have no time to lose. This technology is registered under patent number US 6965816 as well as a variety of other similar type patent numbers

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The human energy field provides a protective shield around the body.   When we are frightened or upset it shrinks and therefore it becomes less protective.   Non-consensual neuro research subjects are almost constantly insulted or frightened by unknown neuro operatives who speak to them by wireless direct communication which has come to be known as voice to skull or v2k.    The reasons are complex but one of the main reasons for doing so may be to shrink the human energy field in order to allow other  neuro operatives to infiltrate the human energy field of the non-consensual neuro research subject more easily.    

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Posted on October 19, 2019 by gretta  fahey
I am non-consensually wirelessly linked to the wireless internet of things which is also known as the brain net. Unknown neuro operatives speak to me via a two way live link to the hearing centre of my brain. Occasionally, I take a note of a small sample of what they say to me and I post it online later. Here is a small sample of what they have been saying to me and about me to their own colleagues recently.
“Be careful of us Gretta Fahey. You are stepping too close to our comfort zone and we are not happy.”
“Does she drink alcohol.” “No, she never drinks alcohol.” “Shut her up.” “She has no interest in alcohol.” “Why doesn’t she develop a taste for something because I’d like to see her inebriated.”
“We need the system administrators to give us the go ahead to stop doing what we do to the body of Gretta Fahey, namely bio-robotizing her in order to eventually gain total external control over her limbs, and all other muscles of her living human body.”
“They are allowing this woman Gretta Fahey to have bladder leakages by their work activities.”
“Why are you torturing this woman for sixteen years.” “There is good money in it.”
“She is not washing herself well enough.” (I take a daily shower and I wash all of my clothes every day.)
“We need to have a system of digital analysis in Gretta’s bicycle.” “It would be illegal to place a digital system in Gretta’s bicycle without first asking her permission. Since we can not ask her permission because she would deny us permission we can not then have a digital analysis system placed on her bicycle and we therefore can not analyse her bodily and brain systems while she is riding her bicycle to town and back.” “It bodes badly against us if people start disposing of their digital analysis systems namely their smart engineered devices in order to break free of this digital enslavement system that we are currently setting up worldwide and especially inside the bodies and brains of a selection of human beings now considered smart individuals because they are now wirelessly tethered to the wireless internet of thing.” (That neuro operative then explained to me after I asked several questions that while I am riding my bicycle or while I am out and about without having any digital device within five feet of me then no data can be collected from my brain or body during that time. When I return home and sit in front of my computer which is a digital analysis system, data can then begin to be collected from my brain and body again but data which was generated by my brain and body while I was away from all digital analysis systems can never be regained.)
One of the neuro staff what heard by me to say the following to one of their colleagues “You can do what you like as long as you deliver the goods at the end of the day.” The other colleague was heard by me to then ask the following question “What are the goods.?” The answer that was heard by me was as follows “Societal Justice”. I myself wish to respond as follows “I have always obeyed all man made laws and there is extreme injustice in society but it does not come from me. It comes down from the top of a worldwide false hierarchical chain of command in the form of deliberately engineered evil policies. By now, all of our societal institutions have been infiltrated in ways that cause as many problems as possible to manifest in order that they can then make more and more laws so that we are eventually enslaved by them. If problems happen in society it is generally because of deliberate bad policies being made manifest in society. My question is as follows : why would torturing me psychologically for sixteen and a half years be a way of delivering “societal justice” to the world? Why don’t the wireless torturers turn their attention to those at the top of the false hierarchical based chain of command because that is where all the problems of the world stem from? Perhaps because my psychological torturers are cowards and will only pick on a single woman living alone in the West of Ireland rather than two thousand Satanists who sit at the top of the worldwide false hierarchical based chain of command and who own banks, corporations and up to forty six percent of the wealth of the whole world. Bullies always attempt to pick on someone less powerful than themselves and run from the powerful.
I sometimes hear the voice to skull inner voices say the following about me “No one knows her”. I don’t know what they mean by this because whenever I write a letter to a politician or the media or anyone else I put my name, address, location code, website name, landline home phone number and email address on it. What else could they wish to know about me. I have a high profile in the sense that I sent out a lot of letters to government officials, university staff and the main stream media as well as the alternative media as well as pushing letters through letterboxes of the homes of my local towns. I have placed a lot of information about myself on my website.
I once heard the voice of an unknown neuro operative coming from inside my head non-consensually while he said the following “I don’t want these images coming up on my screen.” I wish to explain here what I think he meant by that as follows –
If a scientific experiment is being conducted and the experimentation subject is wearing a cap over their brain which has electrodes on it while looking at a picture of an orange the evoked potentials which are generated on the computer screen of the scientist are automatically translated into information which lets him know that the subject is looking at a picture of an orange. If the subject simply conjures up a mental image of an orange with their imagination and no picture of an orange is present the scientist will then be allowed to know that no picture of an orange is present and the subject is simply conjuring up an image of an orange with their imagination. However, it is possible that their is a second scientist in another room looking at the same evoked potentials but that second scientist is not allowed to know whether the image of an orange which is presented on his screen is conjured up by the imagination of the subject or whether the subject is actually looking at a picture of an orange.
I am a non-consensual subject of such research but instead of wearing a cap containing electrodes on my head, neural dust containing something similar to electrodes is inside my head, close to my scalp. When I look at an image of something in my own home, an unknown scientist can know what I am looking at by having the evoked potentials my brain generates automatically translated into what I am looking at. If I imagine something inside my head the same unknown scientists can know that I have simply imagined something but that thing which I have imagined is not in my home and I have not physically seen it.
Some of what I see in my everyday life is disgusting and when it is also seen on the screens of the unknown criminal neuro staff who monitor everything I see or do they also find it disgusting. That is why I have been asked by those unknown criminal neuro staff not to look into my own toilet bowl anymore, whenever I use the toilet.
If an images is generated by a non-consensual subject of remote neural monitoring, is it always possibly for the remote neural monitoring staff to be able to accurately decipher whether that image is one which is real and is in the subjects environment, or whether it is a distant memory of the subject, or whether it is being conjured up by the subjects imagination or whether it is deliberately being inserted by neuro imaging staff who are unknown to the remote neural monitoring staff and who work from a different location to the remote neural monitoring staff? Have neuro imaging staff ever inserted external images into the brain of a human subject in order that remote neural monitoring staff would then wrongly believe that the subject had prior knowledge of a deed that the aforementioned subject had no prior knowledge of whatsoever.?

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I am a long term victim of non-consensual remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation. Over many years unknown neuro operatives have attempted to wirelessly gain more and more external control over my central nervous system which would lead to them having more and more control over the muscles of my face and body. Their ultimate aim is to bio-robotize me so that they can wirelessly control me from an unknown remote location.
They have now gained almost total control over my facial muscles which has led to me now being unable to synchronise my mood with my facial expression. Last night I was in a sombre and angry mood and yet both my face and eyes were forced to adopt a smiling pose. Many human beings have not yet woken up to the nightmarish implications of the Richard C Walker patent number US6965816 which allows the unacknowledged worldwide central control system personnel to have total control over the central nervous systems of their fellow human beings. For further information about my own unique experiences of being a non-consensual victim of their wirelessly enabled experimentation please read my website which I alone own and control and which is called

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A neuro slave is a human being who has been implanted with a micro chip in the base of their brain and they may also have an array of electrodes injected all around their skull.   The microchip and the electrodes becomes wirelessly linked to a supercomputer and this allows neuro staff to send and receive information to and from the brain and body of the neuro slave to the extent that they collect all of the electrical activity from the brain and body of the neuro slave on a continual basis.  As well as that they send information to the  spinal column of the victim until such a time as they  can paralyse the victim from head to toe if they victim refuses to obey voice commands which are sent to them from the neuro staff by direct wireless communication which is also known as voice to skull or microwave hearing.

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I am non-consensually wirelessly linked to a super computer system where I am sent voice commands and many other interferences to my brain and body via digital signals. The individuals who send me the voice commands sometimes send me valuable information which they encode inside meaningless sentences. Here are some of the information codes which they sent me over the past few days as follows:-
“I used wireless remote means to switch her water distiller on and off while it was empty to the extent that it could have caused a house fire and now she gets her drinking water from another source which is outside our control”. “You should have left it alone. I am no longer getting the necessary procurements that come in tap water. Owing to the distillation process I was still getting a fair amount of the procurements necessary to carry out my work in bio-robotizing a human being. Now, however, it is not as easy to have this process carried out. The patterns are osculating without the necessary procurements.”
“There is a vast quantity of light coming in through the eyelids, distorting the images I am trying to sustain inside the brain of Gretta Fahey who is the occupant of the human body I am attempting to contain inside a fusion of energy.”
“There is nothing here that would allow me to claim dominance over this woman.”
“This information guidance system has not been allowed to prosper in Ireland. Why is this?”
“A housing licence is a licence which allows you to live where you are living. A housing licence is something which is due to be brought in over the next few years. If you are not granted a housing licence you will be asked to vacate whatever property you live in regardless of whether you own and control it or not.”
“She has been monitored inside her own home for many years. They get paid not in cash but in higher end merchandise.” (I then heard the following response from another neuro operative as follows) “The merchandise I get is not higher end. I collect it in Athlone in my own time after receiving the necessary paperwork which is sent to my home by currier.”

My name is Gretta Fahey.  My address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.  My landline home phone number is 0949360901.   My website is called ; I do not and I never have and I never would accept payment from the work I do in raising awareness of wireless crime using neuro science and technology.   I am simply attempting to help expose and stop this covert form of slow and incremental technological enslavement of human beings.

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The dark new world order evil cabal are seeking absolute control over the human race via wireless brain-weapon technology and many other means. In order the achieve their aims they have been wirelessly experimenting on a large selection of non-consenting human beings throughout most parts of the world. These human beings are commonly known as targeted individuals and I have been one for sixteen years.
I am wirelessly linked from my brain and body via a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to a computer network. All of the electrical signals generated by my brain and body are uploaded on a constant basis to the computers of the neuro operatives where is is data analysed and collated for later use. The unknown neuro operatives can read my inner dialogue and reply to it in real time. The neuro operatives send me voice signals, moving images, mild pain signals, bodily sensations, emotions, feelings and odours through the neuro link which has permanently attached me to their computer network for the past sixteen years. These neuro operatives have built a three dimensional image of my body by targeting me with energy in order to see where the energy met resistance and by doing so were enabled to build this three dimensional body image. Because of this I now have no physical privacy and no mental privacy whatsoever. I keep an almost daily online blog detailing some of what the neuro operatives say to me. I hear their voices coming from inside my head. Here is some of what they have said to me in the past few days, just to give you an example of some of what I experience :-
“We don’t send pain signals at the moment but we hurt financially. It is standard procedure.” ( I disagree with that statement because they sometimes send me mild pain signals).
“Medical surveillance and psychiatric surveillance are purported to come on stream in the future.”
“We are planning at some time in the future to time all targeted individuals while you are having your showers and cleaning your clothes, so that we can curtail the amount of hot water you are allowed to use on a daily basis. My name is Keith Arganine and I am a London based Directed Energy Weapons specialist.”
“She is a bit of a cow.”
“It is not a system that we would care to continue using in this world.”
“Fifty dollars per week is all she should be granted to live.” (I live in Ireland, Europe and some of the voices I hear come from London and others come from the United States. Some of the United States neuro staff wrongly assume that I am an American citizen and they use American terms when the refer to me. This has been occurring continually for sixteen years.
“Kid gloves until now, but of course we are going to kick it up a bit.”
“Are we planning to wirelessly enslave Gretta Fahey.” ” Why else do you think we are doing all this. Of course we are planning to wirelessly enslave her.”
“Agnosticism exists only if I say it exists and I don’t have a category for it so it does not exist.”
“Don’t register your child at birth and then you don’t need to ever worry about forced vaccinations. No one will ever bother your child throughout his life if he is not registered at birth.” (I am not expecting a child as I am too old. This was just general advice given to me by the unknown neuro operatives.)
“This is a system which allows us to look inside people’s bodies and see what is in there.”
“Stop smothering your bread with stodge.”
“Has she a licence to write this”

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I am connected to a computer system by a two way stream of energy which allows the  operatives of said computer system to force me to listen to their voices whenever they wish and I hear their voices coming from inside my head.   Today I heard a voice of one of these afore mentioned   operatives say the following to another colleague  "We need some help.   There is nothing we can do here."   This was followed by another voice which was heard by me to say the following  "Do you have insurance."   Another voice replied as follows "Do you mean leverage on the lady in question?"    The answer I heard coming from inside my head was "No".  A voice then replied as follows "Just leave and we will come back and finish the job later."

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I have already become linked to the wirelessly enabled cerebral internet-of-things. My experiences are so extreme that most uninformed individuals can not believe that neuro science and neuro technology has advanced to this extent and they prefer to disbelieve me when I recount my experiences. First of all, back in the spring of 2003 my brain and body were linked by a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to a network of computers, and those computers may well be also linked to a super computer. This link enables the neuro staff who operated these computers to force me to listen to their voices coming from inside my head at all times of the day or night. They wake me up from sleep whenever they wish by speaking to me or by sending me a pain signal.
Over time the neuro operatives built up a brain map which then enabled them to take control over my facial muscles and some of my neck muscles as well as my vocal cords on some occasions. When I move my facial muscles of my own accord the exact sequences of events that happens in my brain is then tabulated and repeated so that the criminal neuro operatives can later move my facial muscles against my will. Now, whenever the neuro operatives take external control of my vocal cords while speaking through me they also take external control of my facial muscles at the same time. If the neuro operative who is speaking through me is angry I now can tell that that is the case because my own eyes blaze up in anger and my face grimaces in anger when I am being spoken through. These experiences mostly occur when I am alone, but they could easily be made to occur when I am out in public. I have many friends and acquaintances who are also experiencing similar experiences. We are all attempting to raise awareness of this horrific situation but one of the main reasons we sometimes fail to be believed is because everyone else may already be linked to the internet-of-things besides us and it appears that they have become locked into a state of subliminal hypnosis where they are unable to believe us and this state of subliminal hypnosis may also be combined with wirelessly enabled brain entrainment because their responses are not normal. It is as if the general public have been rendered unable to think past a certain point. The only way we can return to normal as a human race is by disassembling and banning microwave transmitters and all related paraphernalia in my opinion.

My name is Gretta Fahey and my website is I write about my experiences of being wirelessly and non-consensually linked to the wirelessly enabled cerebral internet-of-things simply in order to raise awareness of the extreme danger humanity is now it. I never have, and I never will accept payment for what I write and send to the public and for what I post online.

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Are journalistic scholars who work throughout the main stream media placing any of their resources in researching, investigating and writing about extreme and continuous advances in neuro science and neuro technology, and how they are being used in secret against all of us?
I am being psychologically tortured and physically manipulated by the use of extreme advances in neuro science and neuro technology by wireless technological means. Both because my adversaries are and remain unknown to me and because the methods that are being used against me leave no physical trace I am being disbelieved by some agents of the government that this is happening to me.
Also, because extreme advances in wireless weapons can and are being used to entrain the brains of the populace into states of happy apathy as well as inertia, despite repeated warnings, people are remaining unconcerned about the capabilities and abuses of such weapons when they should be in a state of extreme outrage.
We can do much to help ourselves in order to restore our clear thinking capabilities. We must consider how the technological infrastructure that is being erected all around us is effecting our ability to think and act. We must also consider that this technological infrastructure is being used as a weapons against us.
Many are claiming online that they have already been wirelessly connected to a computerized human control system from a variety of brain and body implants, which enables outside control of their limbs as well as also enabling outside manipulation to their brain capabilities, such as hearing voices, seeing visions, interference with what they conjour up in their minds eye and a variety of other outside manipulations. According to major science literature, all human beings as well as all other sentient beings are due to be connected up to this system which is being called the cerebral internet of things. This system is already up and running and many individuals who keep online blogs are claiming that they have already been connected to it and that they are experiencing outside control of their muscles, their alimentary canals, their limbs and their vocal cords among many other parts of their bodies and brains. Why have their not been any public discussions held on this extremely urgent matter?
My name is Gretta Fahey from Claremorris, Republic of Ireland. My website is called

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I am being subjected to classified  mind invasive invisible weapons.  United States diplomats have complained of being targeted with invisible weapons while working in China and Cuba.   How do you report being targeted by invisible weapons to your community in order to warn them of this ?   How do you prove to your community  that you are being targeted by invisible weapons?   If you know the answer please let me know.  

I am non-consensually  wirelessly linked from implants in my brain and body to a computer network by a two way link.  This two way link allows the computer and neuro operatives to speak to me against my will and without my permission.   I am being forced to listen to them throughout each day as I go about my everyday life.   I hear their voices coming from inside my head due implantation with a neuro communication device.   I have heard that a neuro communication device known as a brain radio exists and is being used against some targeted individuals.   However, I don't know what type of chip I have been implanted with.    I keep a daily blog of  where I write what these unknown neuro operatives say to me on an ongoing basis.  Here are some of what the neuro operatives have said in the past twenty four hours,  all of which I have heard coming from inside my head.

"No one was expecting this level of extreme interference in this woman's life."     This was followed by   "If you quote my name I will be endangered."    (I did not know the name of the speaker.)

"If I had my way I would fuckin shoot her."

"Langly Air Force Base have almost total involvement with the processing of the data pertaining to Gretta Fahey.  Norbrook have almost no involvement.   (My name is Gretta Fahey.)

"There is a secondary system in place that has done something extremely evil to the woman, Gretta Fahey.  Her whole face is under our control."

"The program softened her cough for her a bit I suppose."

"You are doing your own loading and unloading.  This is not allowed.  We require a trained expert to carry out all processes which have been deemed to be a danger to human health and safety."   (I was using a wheel barrow at the time I heard this verbiage coming from inside my head.)

" We are now aware that the Irish secret police know what has been happening to you over sixteen years and they have done nothing to alleviate your suffering through fear of their lives and that of their families.   Leo Varadkar knows nothing of this."

"Putting a stop to this woman's harassment is not achievable.  She is locked into the system as tightly as anyone could be locked in. "

"We have developed a way of stopping the majority of human beings of thinking for themselves and of manipulating them to only think in prescribed ways."

"Pull out all the stops.   I need to qualify this woman Gretta Fahey as being insane."

"We wont block the letter.  We will suitably delay it.   (This was in response to the fact that I posted a letter to friend  by ordinary mail, informing her that I have been non-consensually  inplanted and I am wirelessly linked to a computer network from the   implant. )

"We can and we are monitoring the inner dialogue of Irish senior politicians."

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“We can put minimal sized electrodes in a network within a brain, through only minimal intervention, in order to be able to read and write into the brain function in real time, remotely. ” This is a quote by Dr James Giordano which can be found at the youtube link here below.

I personally have been implanted with brain technology and now unknown strangers are able to read and write into my brain function in real time, remotely. For many decades the CIA and other intelligence agencies have been implanting unaware members of the public with a large variety of implants in order to wirelessly conduct a large variety of experiments on them at a later date. The normal mode of operations of the CIA is to break into the home of the selected targeted individual and render them unconscious using frequency tools before they implant them. The targeted individual has no memory of the implantation procedure when they wake up the following morning. However, at a later date they realize that they have become targeted with extreme technology when they begin to experience strange and unexplainable phenomena happening to them on a continual basis.

When a targeted individual becomes implanted with black budget, classified brain technology they are then wirelessly connected by a two way low frequency, electromagnetic stream of energy which then allows criminal neuro staff to read and write into their brain function. The targeted individual is effectively online on a continual basis for the remainder of their life. The criminal neuro staff can force the targeted individual to listen to them speak by wireless means, whenever they wish. The criminal neuro staff can send moving images by wireless means to the targeted individual which the targeted individual would then perceive as a mental image inside their head. These mental images which the targeted individual receives are often images as well as a large variety of other types of disgusting images. The criminal neuro staff can wirelessly send electric shocks and pain signals and other bodily sensations to the targeted individual. The criminal neuro staff can wirelessly write false information into the brain of the targeted individual in order to render the targeted individual unwell at any time, or even paralyse or kill the targeted individual if they so wish.
I have been a targeted individual of wirelessly enabled remote experimentation for sixteen years. I keep a frequent online blog where I outline some of what the criminal neuro operatives say to me when they reproduce their voices inside my head using their extremely advanced and classified wireless technology. Here below is a small sample of what they said to me in the past two days and my response to some of it :-
“You will do what I say because I am your better.”
My response to that statement is that all human beings are equal under natural law and all are of infinite value. Anybody who believes otherwise is living in a false reality construct where they believe they should grovel to some of their own equals and look down on others of their own equals.
“Tidy up your image.”
“I am bitterly opposed to this technology being used in Ireland.”
“We are not interested in propriety. We are only interested in enslaving the human race.”
“I will take the wheels off your bicycle when you are in town.”
“We are forced to detail the life of a woman who doesn't do anything.”
“She is informed, and we know she is informed, and now we are going ahead and paralysing her from head to toe.”
“Implore her to get a housemate or they will kick her out of that house.” My response to that statement is – I was born in the house that I now live in fifty nine years ago. It was built by my grandfather without any financial help from a bank. It is my family home and they do not have a right to kick me out ever.
“Don't be naughty.” My response to that statement is – When human beings become slaves the slave masters treat them as children in the sense that when African American men were enslaved they were called boys instead of men in order to belittle them. By telling me not to be naughty they are treating me like a child instead of an adult woman in order to psychologically bring me down to the level of a child.
“She better get up. They don't tolerate her being in bed during the day.”
“Go and get a life” My response to that statement is as follows – I have a life. You are the one who is interfering in my life, obviously because no one will listen to you in your own life. That is why you and your colleagues force me to listen to you on a continual basis, each and every day for the past sixteen years.
“I’ll lock you up if you don't shut up.”
“You’re a lightweight.”
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My website which I alone own and control is called My landline home phone number is 0949360901. I do not accept payment for my online blogs which can be found throughout many social media sites, where I outline my experiences of being a targeted individual of wirelessly enabled directed energy weapons for sixteen years. I have attempted to inform government staff of the fact that I am being targeted with directed energy weapons and voice harassment technology in the distant past but I have not been taken seriously by them. I made two serious attempts to take my own life when I first became a targeted individual and this can be verified by my local hospital. I now no longer trust church or state. I believe that church and state are the two arms of the enslavement system. I believe that church and state were set up thousands of years ago for the sole purpose of eventually enslaving the human race. I also believe that anybody who works for church and state are mostly unknowingly being used to further the enslavement agenda of the dark new world order self-proclaimed elite. I write my online blog in order to wake the public up to the extreme danger of technological enslavement they are in. I believe that they are under electronic mind control.
Our first task is to disassemble and ban microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia so that the general public can awake from their electronic mind control spell and begin to think more clearly. After that it is a simple matter to tear down all of the infrastructure which allows unknown neuro operatives to enslave me and hundreds of thousands of others by wireless means and from a remote location. If this is not done soon, this program could be fully automated and everyone other than the would-be enslavers could be hearing computerized voices coming from inside their heads issuing them orders and delivering pain signals to them if they did not obey immediately. Those who are awake and aware are now mostly of the belief that the existence of satellites is a hoax, and all of the technology which is being used to technologically enslave us is ground based or air based. Therefore we can easily reach all of the technology being used against us in order to disempower and destroy it

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My brain and body have been directly connected to a computer network by wireless means without my permission.    I have been implanted with either one or more RFID chips.  The unknown criminal operatives who control the network of computers which I have become wirelessly linked to could end up controlling me.  The technology which is being used to wirelessly and non-consensually link me to said computer network is classified and the neuro operatives who monitor me take readings of all of my bodily functions on a continual basis.  Because they have the ability to monitor my inner dialogue and assess my memories they now know everything about me.   I am not allowed to have any mental or physical privacy at all.  These neuro operatives speak to me via a two way link on an almost constant basis.  I keep a daily blog on several social media sites about some of what they say to me throughout each day.    They oppress me to an extreme degree by what they say to me.   Here is some of what they said to me in the past twenty four hours.

"I am on board with this system.  If this woman Gretta Fahey needs a problem solved we will solve it for her.  Nobody else will solve her problems for her from now on."

"Is Gretta Fahey wearing clothes?"   The response was "Yes".   This was further  followed on by the following enquiry  "How come I can not see her wearing any clothes?"    This was further followed on by the following reply  "Because we have built up a picture of her based on her internal structure and not her clothes you can not see her wearing clothes.  We see all targeted individuals who we have built up an internal picture of as naked.  It can't be helped."

"What stage are we at with Fahey?"    "We could now give her enough pain to force her to commit suicide any time we wish.  However, we wont do that right now.  She is harmless enough."

"Will the bodies of the people who have been targeted in Ireland be examined by the state after they die."   "Yes".      "They will find evidence like no other evidence they ever found before to prove these people have been targeted with energy weapons."

"This woman was woken up in the middle of the night when she was sleeping by the neuro staff on several occasions during the night."   The response that came through was as follows   "Nobody here cares."

"I got a suicide ideation out of that woman, Fahey."   "You seem glad that you got a suicide ideation out of a woman by the comment you made to her."

"Make a cannibal out of Gretta Fahey.   Put human meat in her food."   This was followed on by the following response.  "I wont because she is a vegetarian."

The neuro operatives read my inner dialogue on a constant basis and I sometimes think aloud because the neuro operatives have manipulated my brain to speak my thoughts aloud.   I said the following "The people in my village don't get up early on a Sunday morning because they go out on a Saturday night. "   The response I received from the neuro operatives was as follows  "What the people of your village do of a Saturday night is of no interest to me but if they stay in bed of a Sunday morning they will be penalised."

"She keeps inside her budget.  She purchased two food choppers and a radio."  This was followed on by another voice which was heard by me to say the following  "Don't tell me what she is entitled to purchase.  I decide that."


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My brain and spine have been wirelessly and non-consensually linked to a computer network which is controlled by evil and cruel neuro operatives.   This wireless link is two way in the sense that  all of my brain and body functions are uploaded onto their computer screens and analysed by automatic data analysis so that they can know everything  that I think, do and say each and every day, and they can also upload their voices into my brain as well as other sounds, moving images, sensations, tastes, odours, pain signals, forced muscle movements as well as uploading false information into my body organs in order to make them malfunction or go into paralysis.

I keep a blog of what the unknown neuro operatives say to me on my website and social media sites and elsewhere.  Both in the past and today they have repeatedly asked me if I know a lady called Majella Mulqueen.   I have no memory of her.  However, when I went to the convent secondary school in Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland where I live there may have been a school girl in attendance by that name because there were approximately five hundred girls attending that school at any one time?  I left that school in 1977 and I have forgotten many of the students since then.  I don't understand why the neuro operatives continue to ask me if I know her?   Why is that?

My website is called

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Any human being in existence can be non-consensually wirelessly attached  to a super computer from implants which are believed to be already inside all of  our  brains and spinal cords.   That  super computer then reads and stores all of the electrical activity which the individuals   brain and body generate throughout each and every day of their life from that day forward. .  Some of the data about the individual which comes to be stored on the super computer data banks  can automatically be analysed by computerized algorithms.  The remainder of the data  is researched by teams of analysts who further categorise it into specific categories based on computer monitoring of the  normal everyday routine of the targeted individual.   

The super computer categorises every word the targeted individual says and further categorises this data  into specific categories so that it can be researched at a later date by neuro specialists who exist primarily to catch good will  individuals out in some small way so that said neuro specialists  can exert further control over the lives of the targeted individual by legal means if necessary.

The super computer can also now map out the electrical signals from the visual cortex of the brain of a targeted individual.  Once these electrical signals are decoded they then project the visual images of what the targeted individual sees, and what the targeted individual imagines and remembers and dreams on to a computer screen for further analysis.

By having access to an individuals brain waves by way of  this two way super computer enabled monitoring system neuro operatives  can send covert signals to the brain and body of the targeted individual.  This  capability enables neuro operatives to project their voices as well as moving images and pain signals to the targeted individual.   This capability also enables neuro operatives to force the targeted individual to move their own muscles against their own free will.   This capability effectively enables unknown neuro operatives to paralyse a targeted individual from head to toe if they refuse to obey an order given via bio-communication by  any neuro operative.  The targeted individual then become a prisoner inside their own body and is not allowed to move a single muscle unless they do exactly as they are told to do.   

I, Gretta Fahey of Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland am a targeted individual of this cruel system which has come to be known as remote neural manipulation.   I have not got to the stage where I can be paralysed from head to toe as yet.  I can still move my muscles of my own free will.  However, I do not know how long I have got before the neuro operatives obtain the knowledge to biologically enslave me inside my own body.   I believe that some of the neuro operatives who have been communicating with me over many years during this non-consensual black budget research which I am undergoing are themselves compromised in some way in the sense that a large portion of them appear to be helping me to get the information out beyond the ring fence that surrounds whatever information I post online.

My website is called ; My facebook page is called


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 Unknown neuro operatives are  reproducing their voices inside my head using wireless embedded systems.  This process is known as microwave hearing, synthetic telepathy, or sometimes voice to skull direct human communication.  The military and intelligence services have been using this process to communicate with each other as well as their enemies for many decades.  It is being used on a world wide scale, mostly in secret.   Strong radio frequeny signals come from my ears at random times throughout each day as a result of this embedded system which possibly came about due to inhalation and ingestion of nano technology or through direct implantation of micro receivers and transmitters in the hearing centres of my brain.  

 I believe that the reason  that I am being non-consensually interrogated by voice to skull direct human communication technology every day for nearly sixteen years is because I am claiming disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome and the validity of my claim can not be verified by legal means. Therefore unknown individuals wielding advanced technology which enables them to reproduce their voices inside my head day and night  issue death threats and insults towards me and verbally harass me every waking moment for nearly sixteen years. They are also using similar technology to force me to feel unwanted sensations throughout my body.
When I reply to them by saying the following "Why am I hearing your voice coming from inside my head wholly against my will and without my permission,  that then would allow another of their colleagues to know without any doubt how they are obtaining the non-consensual data they are gathering on me.  They then react in a  frightened manner  as if their colleague now knows that they have used unethical means to collect data on me and that would enable any colleague who happened to be listening to blackmail them or even to steal the data for their own use.

These neuro operatives wish to know if I am responsible for causing my symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome by wirelessly analysing what I eat and they can easily establish what I eat by wirelessly receiving information from nano sensors in my stomach and intestines which are currently being blended into some processed foods.  This is happening on a worldwide scale mostly unknown to the general public.  

I do not drink alcohol at all. I do not smoke cigarettes or take any type of drugs and I do not drink tea or coffee. I almost never eat refined sugar. I eat a plant based diet as well as dairy products. I do not eat meat, fish or eggs and I have no plans to eat meat, fish or eggs at any time in the future. I am not responsible for causing my irritable bowel syndrome problems.

The neuro operatives who reproduce their voices inside my head have attempted to persuade me to drink alcohol and to resume smoking cigarettes which I gave up more than twenty six years ago. They are not trying to help me recover from irritable bowel syndrome. They are attempting to find a way to gain control over my life and if they do so they would then attempt to extrapolate that control system over all other human beings who complained of suffering from irritable bowel syndrome throughout the world. These neuro operatives are knowingly or unknowingly assisting the dark new world order would-be dictatorship in attempting to rigidly control everybody throughout the world by any means possible. I have never broken any law in my entire life.  I can think of no other reason why I would be put on this non-consensual program which is sometimes called remote neural monitoring along with remote neural manipulation, which I also experience.

Hundreds of thousands if not millions of people are currently complaining of similar experiences to mine. We are not being taken seriously due to the fact that electronic mind control is now  in widespread use in my country, Ireland and throughout most countries in the world.

I constantly write about my experiences of being a targeted individual of non-consensual and extremely unwilling neuro weapons research.  I do not get paid for being a neuro weapon research subject and I do not get paid for my continued writing about my experienes of being a neuro weapon research subject and I never would accept payment from these evil criminal neuro weapon researchers  who have harassed and psychologically tortured me for nearly sixteen years wholly without my permission or consent.  

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