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I am an unwilling  Irish targeted individual of wirelessly enabled remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation.  I am aware of at least a dozen other Irish individuals, some of who I personally know,  who are being subjected to wirelessly enabled remote neural monitoring as well as remote neural manipulation.   We do not know who our aggressors are.  We have never met anybody who claimed to be wirelessly targeting us on a constant basis for years at a time.    I believe that wirelessly enabled technology has been implanted in my brain and body which links me to a network of computers combined with a super-computer.     A system of reading my thoughts and replying to them in real time is being used against me.  Signals are being injected into my brain and body which can make me see images which I do not wish to see, as well as making me hear words and sounds that I do not wish to hear, as well as making me feel sensations which I do not wish to feel, while also making a selection of my facial and neck muscles move against my will.  I believe that the process of forced muscle movement is being enabled by  programmable bio-chips having been imbedded in my muscles through inhalation and ingestion as well as a variety of other means.  I am aware of several other human beings who are reporting forced muscle movement including experiencing their own hand hitting them against their will.   This phenomenon is real and is widely reported as being easily achievable by main stream neuro weapons experts.
Technology exists now that can force a targeted individual to enunciate words and whole sentences in a court of law that said  targeted individual has no wish to enunciate.  A  phenomenon called forced speech is being used to induce this process.   Forced speech may be induced in targeted individuals  by unknown operatives who  wirelessly manipulating the human motor cortex in combination with simultaneously wirelessly manipulating the human vocal cords in order to force that targeted individual to enunciate words and sentences that they do not wish to enunciate  while simultaneously claiming to agree with sentiments that they vehemently do not agree with.  The criminal neuro operatives who induce forced speech in an unwilling targeted individual work from an unknown location by the use of wireless means.
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I currently hear voices coming from inside my head.  The general public must now confront the fact that technology has existed that can transmit voices inside the heads of random members of the public by wireless capabilities for many decades and the science is easily explainable.

The general public must also confront the fact that they have been in denial about this  because to acknowledge the truth would lead to a public crisis like no other.

I have been lead to believe that the following method is the one that is  being used to wirelessly transmit the voices which  I hear coming from inside my head.   We all have ingested neural dust in our food and water.  This neural dust has lodged inside our brains and bodies, some of which has coagulated into larger units over time.  These larger units of neural dust which I will call nodes are being used to draw energy into a computer network from my brain circuits in order to provide information to the neuro operatives about the condition of the nodes.  If said nodes are sufficiently large enough they can then be used to create an electronic circuit board inside the human brain. Each coagulated neural dust node can be connected to another coagulated neural dust node by way of  streaming digital signals from one node to another node through the computer network that they have been wirelessly linked to.  This electronic circuit board can then be used by the criminal neuro operatives to upload voices, images, short videos, odours, sensations and tastes into the brain and mind of the targeted individual.  Furthermore, this electronic circuit board inside my brain is now being used on an almost daily basis to move the muscles of my face and neck against my will and without my permission.

The cover stories that are being most commonly used to cover up advances in neuro science are the cover story that the subject  who is experiencing strange phenomena is mentally unwell or is having supernatural experiences.   Neither is true.

The nodes of neural dust  which have coagulated inside my brain and body over many years are not in my favour.  They are being used to slowly enslave me.  I could find myself in a situation at some time in the future where criminal neuro operatives could close my mouth or eyes against my will and refuse to allow me to open them again unless I do their bidding.   I could also be paralysed by wireless means and from a remote location in the future if I do not find a way to dissolve the coagulated nodes of neural dust inside my brain and body.   Some fellow targeted individuals of remote neural manipulation have suggested I drink ozonated water or Epsom salts in order to dissolve the coagulated nodes of neural dust inside my brain and body.  I am currently drinking both of these drinks.  I have not noticed any change in the level of invasion into my mind and body  by these remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation staff.    Please urgently disassemble and ban microwave transmitters if you wish that you and your children to  live in freedom from wireless tethering to computer networks.   Otherwise neural enslavement of many individuals is now imminent.

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Many good will human beings throughout Ireland and the rest of the world are being monitored and harassed by criminal neuro operatives who use wireless electronic weapons while these good will human beings are trying to go about their lives peacefully. Wireless electronic capabilities are also being used to mass mind control the whole of society by entraining their brains into a state of false contentment while their civil rights are being slowly but surely eroded on a daily basis.

Individuals who have already been linked by wireless means to a covert in-home monitoring system are attempting to convince the rest of the human race to urgently have all wireless capabilities disassembled and banned across the board. Some others reply that wireless capabilities are essential to maintain the economy of our country which in turn would maintian our current standard of living. However, the economy can no longer be part of the equasion because wireless capabilities are being used to burn down homes by remote wireless means. Wireless capabilities are also being used to inflict pain and torture of a number of human beings via deeply imbedded implants and other means while these human beings are inside their own homes attempting to live peaceful lives.

Wireless capabilities can be used to burn  human beings to death in a covert war.  When metal objects such as spoons are placed in a microwave oven they catch fire.  We are now being informed that we have metallic particulates inside our bodies and brains which we inhale and ingest due to chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads in a process known as geoengineering.  These metallic particulates are currently  being found in our food supply.  The capability exists to turn microwave transmitters which are attached to telephone towers way up to a much higher power transmission.  It may be possible to control these microwave transmitters from one central location.  Therefore the capability now exists  to burn us inside our homes due to these metallic particulates being inside our bodies.   A cover story could then be provided that we were burned to death by the spread of wildfires during hot weather.


Wireless capabilities are being used to force private human beings to hear intelligent voices issuing commands to them via implants during which these intelligent voices are being heard by them coming from inside their own heads. If the victim should refuse to obey the commands of these inner voices they are being informed by these inner voices that their utilities including electricity, water and waste collection will be stopped and their bank accounts will be disabled and if their are in public housing they will be evicted forthwith. These intelligent sounding inner voices are telling the human subjects concerned that this wireless enslavement system is being means for everyone. It is currently being set up throughout the republic of Ireland. It is commonly known within the network as remote neural monitoring.

Please consider having all wireless enabling transmitters and related paraphernalia disassembled and banned urgently.

Individuals who have already been placed on remote neural monitoring attempt to explain to psychiatrists and others exactly what they are experiencing. A strongly conditioned false belief in the validity of psychiatry has been etched into the minds of society over many decades and centuries. They are giving credence to a university discipline that has can not be backed by scientific means. Psychiatry is based on non-science. Psychiatry is based on the subjective opinions of psychiatrists. There is no test available to support their subjective opinions.

Psychiatry is currently being furthered as a back door to currently disempower anybody who attempts to highlight the truth that they have been placed on a remote neural monitoring system. The victim is being told that there is no such system in existence as remote neural monitoring. They are being told that they have a chemical imbalance in their brain which is genetically determined and they will have it for life and there is nothing they can do about it and they will forever be limited and restricted and they must continually ingest tablets which dampen down their creativity, their sensitivity and their awareness. They are being told that they are sick and the psychiatrist can see this but that they can not.

The entire field of psychiatry is now implicated in covering up the crime of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation. However, because of the wide use of electronic mind control especially against individuals who live or work near telephone towers and because of the fact they all of Irish society are unknowingly ingesting and inhaling nano particulates which eventually become imbedded in their bodies and brains, their brains are now working to the dictates of external programming rather than the power of their own minds. The signals which subliminally influence them are coming from telephone towers in their environment and are redirected to their brains from smart engineered technology inside their homes and offices. We can easily return to wired technology without it impacting our quality of life. Please consider having telephone towers and related paraphernalia urgently banned.

There is currently a small hole in the Titanic.  It can very easily be repaired.  However, many on board are asleep and are unaware of the danger.  If we wait until 5G which is fifth generation wireless technology become operational within the next year the technological capabilities of our enemies to wirelessly enslave us will become infinitely more powerful.  5G can remote neural monitor hundred of thousands of human beings simultaneously, whereby they would hear a  voice issuing them commands  via voice to skull direct communication.  These commands would come from the hearing centres of their own brains.  If they failed to obey these commands they could receive an electric shock or they could have their utilities cancelled within days.  I know this situation to be the case because I have been on this cruel system for more than fifteen years, and I am aware of at least one dozen of my fellow Irish men and women who are also currently on a similar control and enslavement system.

My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo.  My website where I outline my experiences of being on a remote neural monitoring control and enslavement system  is called


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There is  a built in capability on some websites on my computer which allows the computer to locate the precise location of the computer I am using and of myself on a map of Ireland whenever I make  it do so. This morning at 7.45am I used this find my location capability on my computer to find me using said  capability. It pointed accurately at La Touche House, Georges Dock, Dublin, Ireland. However , I am in fact located in my own home at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, F12 Y560, Ireland. 
Said computer capability has located my in other incorrect locations at various times during the past few months when I have checked it. Is somebody else or some foreign capability accessing my computer and who or what are they and for what reason are they accessing my computer.     My name is Gretta Fahey, and my landline home phone number is 0949360901 as proof that I am a real live human being.  I am a targeted individual of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation and I have been thus for more than fifteen years.  My website which I alone own and control is called ;  Todays date is 28th October, 2018.

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It has been found that all seven billion human beings who currently inhabit the earth could easily live and both feed and shelter themselves in the Island of Ireland which covers a relatively small area of 32,000 square miles.

Currently the capability exists to manufacture glass which is strong enough to support enormous weights. This type of extra strong glass in combination with a metal girder structure can be used to build a one hundred story green house in order to p...roduce extra food. As well as that, industrial hemp is the worlds number one resource. It can generate sixty thousand different products including bio-degradeable plastic. It has disappeared from the market place because the powers that be do not wish it to be there. They wish to deliberately engineer a state of scarcity as a psychological operation to further their enslavement agenda which is currently well on its way.

We have been informed that there is a shortage of ores on earth. However, whenever there is a volcanic eruption, new and extremely valuable ores are distributed in a widespread manner in the area surrounding the volcanic eruption. Primary water is available to everyone and it can be obtained by boring underfoot. Primary water is uncontaminated.

Technology is in widespread existence which has not ever been released to the public such as remote neural monitoring and manipulation technology, which is currently being used to create human neural slaves which nobody ever hears about because if they attempted to inform anybody their whole body would be shut down instantly.

Free energy devices are everywhere but they are banned from the market place. We are being fed an alternative lifestyle of deliberately engineered shortage. We were born into a world of abundance. Beware of the current powers that be. They wish to enslave you in any and every way, by new and deranged man-made laws, through a pseudo-scientific psychiatric dictatorship,  and a scientific dictatorship based on scientism rather than true science and  by deliberately engineered debt and through electronic mind control of the masses to name a few.

They feed you misinformation via think tanks and social engineers to the extent that they have fooled humanity into believing that the earth is a globe when in fact railways which go on for a thousand miles or more have absolutely no built in curvature. Space travel has never occurred. It is impossible.

Please urgently disable, disassemble, ban and outlaw microwave technology and related paraphernalia in order to give your children a chance to live happy lives.

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I am a targeted individual from Claremorris, Ireland.    I have become hooked up to a network of computers via neural smart dust which has become imbedded in my brain and body via chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads.  Because of this smart dust in my brain and body I hear voice to skull voices constantly which are being transmitted into my head by wireless means and from a remote location.  They are the voices of real human beings.  They have thought reading capability and they reply to my thoughts in real time.  They issue frequent death threats to me and they often threaten that they will physically torture me at some time in the future.  Because the neural smart dust has also become  imbedded in my spine and in my muscles the unknown neuro operatives who harass me and who attack me by wireless means can now move the muscles in my face and neck  against my will and without my permission.  They move the muscles in my face against my will every day.  They have informed me via voice to skull that they plan to take over the muscles of my whole body by wireless means in a process which they call hyper dominion and which targeted individuals call whole body takeover or human bio-robotization.  The criminal neuro operatives  implied via voice to skull direct communication that they placed me on this remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation process because I am claiming disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome, and my claim can not be verified by disability allowance investigation staff by regular means.  Approximately 125 million individuals throughout Europe and the United States combined suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and they do so because substances are being placed into our food, water and air supply and our tooth fillings which are incompatable to human digestion.
     I constantly raise awareness of the extreme danger that humanity is currently in from wireless weapons in combination with neural smart dust inside their brains and bodies in combination with wireless enabling capabilities which are generated by telephone towers.   However,  all human beings throughout the western world have neural smart dust in their own brains and because of this they are being electronically mind controlled by digital signals which are coming from telephone towers to their brains via their smart phones and HD televisions.   It is very difficult to wake them up.   Some of them appear to be unable to comprehend the problem.  They appear to be programmed to believe only what they hear from official government and main stream media sources.  What is to be done? 
My website outlining all of my experiences which I alone own and control is called
In order to verify my identity which is not registered to the crown corporation by a birth certificate I am quoting herein my landline home telephone number which is 0949360901 and which is billed monthly by Pure Telecom to my name.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland , Eircode F12 Y560 ,
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A social credit score system in combination with a universal remote neural monitoring system is being rolled out throughout the world for most of the human race.     First of all humans  would be wirelessly linked to a computer network from what has been described as either neural dust or implants  inside our brains, spinal cords and various parts of our bodies.   This is being called "Remote Neural Monitoring" .    All electrical activity generated by the brain and body of each human is then sent by a wirelessly enabled  two way stream of energy to the computer network which would both store it indefinitely and analyse it for categorization into dozens of categories such as quantity and type of food eaten based on particulates in common processed foods, amount of hours slept, amount and times of  sexual intercourse, bathroom visits, amount and intensity  of daily exercise and a myriad of other actions.  Other aspects of the life of each human would also be blended into the social credit score system such as work activities, taxes paid, academic credentials, religious observance, dissident behaviour  and online comments.   I, myself, have been an unwilling subject of Remote Neural Monitoring for more than fifteen years and I have been informed via voice communication technology which I hear coming from inside my head that I am being studied on a second by second basis in order to set up a social credit score system for me based on my activities for every minute of every day which can already be discerned from said "Remote Neural Monitoring".  The neuro staff who are studying me via the electrical activity readouts of my brain and body which are automatically translated into my activities on their computer screens are using giant algorithms to help set up this absolute enslavement system for most of the human race for and on behalf of dark occultists who I am led to believe no longer classify themselves as humans.    The dark occultists are already beginning to create a hoaxed story line suggesting to their fellow human beings that the artificial intelligence network which would control the giant algorithms which would run the social credit score system for humans is in danger of going out of control and taking on a life of its own in order to cover up their extremely cruel and torturous future enslavement  plans for the rest of us so that all blame is deflected away from them.   Many other hoaxes have already been created to cover up both remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation of hundreds of thousands of individuals who are now calling themselves "targeted individuals" for all walks of life, throughout most of the world.   We can instantly stop this enslavement process in its tracks by disabling, disassembling, banning and outlawing all wireless enabling capabilities throughout the whole world.  Please consider doing this.

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If a criminal neuro operative is able to obtain a sample of your DNA and a copy of your unique brain signature and is also able to implant you with a biochip, all of these things in conjunction with  neural dust which you may have been inhaling and ingesting and may  already be in your brain, spinal cord and body can then be used to link you to a remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation network and you can never escape from it again unless you receive a strong pulse of magnetic energy which is capable of destroying all of the internal settings of the neural dust.

We have all been inhaling and ingesting neural dust for the past few decades , which has lodged in our brains, spinal cords and throughout our bodies.   This neural dust is being sprayed on us by chemtrail spraying of the sky.   Neural dust particles in the bodies of a random selection of individuals are being individally linked by a two way stream of electromagnetic energy to a computer network.

Over many years a human being can have their brain, spinal cord and sub groups of their muscles intertwined with a computer network so that computer operators can move sections of their muscles totally against their wills and without their permission.

Energy weapons in combination with Neural dust particules in the brain in combination with biochips are being used to transmit voices, visions, and sensations into the brains of targeted individuals.     Many of these individuals are forced to have virtual reality experiences without the need to wear a virtual reality headset.   Energy weapons can be used to transmit imperceptable voices into the brains of human beings.  These imperceptible voices  are being used to subliminally influence largely unaware members of the public to vote a certain way in elections or to cut their own children out of their wills and instead leave their money to questionable works of charity.  These new technologies can also be used to remotely influence couples to divorce each other.  Energy weapons can be used to  burn down your home by remote wireless means.   They can also be used to cause organ failure in any human being also by wireless remote means.

This neural dust  can be used to entrain a human being to feel any emotion.

We must urgently disable, disassemble and ban microwave transmitters now as well as all related paraphernalia,  so as to disable wireless weapons throughout the planet.  We aught to purchase a non-smart mobile  phone which is devoid of  a screen which is being marketed for blind people.   Search online under the phrase "screenless phone".   We use this non-smart screenless mobile phone every day to try and detect digital signals.   It is imperative that each street in each and every town purchase their own community owned electromagnetic spectrum analyser.  Do not register it to any occultist controlled government because if you do that the dark occultists could claim ownership of it and confiscate it. Use the electromagnetic spectrum analyser to detect what transmitter the digital signals are coming from.  Disable, disassemble, destroy,  ban and outlaw said digital  transmitter and receiver.

It is obvious that government officials are being electronically mind controlled through no fault of their own.  Individuals are being tortured inside their own homes to the point of force suicide  by the use of advanced technology for many decades and government officials have done nothing to help them because they appear unable to comprehend advances in science and technology which enable this situation to be taking place in their own environment.  We must now take back the power that was taken from us at our birth by the dark occultists who have been controlling information, weapons and wars for thousands of years.

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We all have been inhaling and ingesting neural dust for the past dozen years or more from chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads.   That neural dust has now lodged in our brains, spinal cords and muscles.   We can be made to have  wirelessly enabled virtual reality experiences against our wills  without ever wearing virtual reality head-sets.  False cover stories are being used to cover up these virtual reality experiences such as the experiencer is being accused of being mentally unwell or the experiencer is falsely informed that their  experience was super-natural in origin when in fact it was scientific and technological in origin.    The neural dust which is lodged in our brains, spinal cords and throughout our bodies is being used to electronically mind control a large percentage of the western world and it is being used to externally  body control a smaller percentage of the western world.  When the section of society who are under external body control attempt to raise awareness of their plight to the much larger electronically mind controlled sector of the human race, the electronically mind control sector of society react inappropriately to the news.   Because of their electronic mind controlled state they go into  denial and accuse the messenger of being mentally unwell after which they then return to a state of unconcern.    We are in extreme danger from advances in technology.  We need to disassemble telephone towers, microwave transmitters, millimetre wave transmittters and related paraphernalia.   We need to ban all aerial traffic from our skies including drones.  Which group do you belong to, the electronically mind controlled sector or the externally body controlled sector?   Either way, we are all in big trouble if we don't act urgently to save ourselves  and to help  save each other.

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We all have been inhaling and ingesting neural dust for the past dozen years or more from chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads.  That neural dust has now lodged in our brains, spinal cords and muscles.  We can be made to have virtual reality experiences against our wills without ever wearing virtual reality head-sets. False cover stories are being used to cover up these virtual reality experiences such as the experiencer is being accused of being mentally unwell or they are falsely informed that their experience was super-natural in origin when in fact it was scientific and technological in origin.   The neural dust which is lodged in our brains, spinal cords and throughout our bodies is being used to electronically mind control a large percentage of the western world and it is being used to electronically body control a smaller percentage of the western world.

When the section of society who are under electronic body control attempt to raise awareness of their plight to the much larger electronically mind controlled sector of the human race, the electronically mind control sector of society react inappropriately to the news.  Because of their electronic mind controlled state they go into denial and accuse the messenger of being mentally unwell after which they return to a state of unconcern.   We are in extreme danger from advances in technology. We need to disassemble telephone towers, microwave transmitters, millimetre wave transmittters and related paraphernalia.  We need to ban all aerial traffic from our skies including drones. Which group do you belong to, the electronically mind controlled sector or the electronically body controlled sector?  Either way, you are in big trouble.

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We have all been inhaling and ingesting neural dust for the past few decades , which has lodged in our brains, spinal cords and throughout our bodies.   This neural dust is being sprayed on us by chemtrail spraying of the sky.   Neural dust particles then coagulate in the bodies of all individuals into smart neural dust.  Said individual strands of smart neural dust are then  individally linked by a continuous  two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to a computer network. Each piece of smart dust goes into the creating of a circuit board inside a selection of human beings of whom I am one.  I currently have a circuit board of smart dust inside my brain and body.   The muscles of my face and neck are being moved on a daily basis against my will and without my permission.  Voices, short videos, images and sensations as well as pain signals are being uploaded into my brain and body at the will of unknown neuro operatives who work by wireless means from a remote location to bio-robotize me and thereby to virtually enslave me.  If you have any ideas as to how I may save myself from the fate of being bio-robotized please help me.  All ideas are gratefully appreciated.

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Coincidental waves such as those from cell phones and radio stations penetrate our bodies. Our bio-systems such as our heart beat intermodulates these signals. These co-incidental waves can then be retrieved from around the human body and the information therein can be used to read your heartbeat, your body temperature, your brain waves etc, and can be used to decipher what you are thinking.

Each human being generates alot of data so high speed computers are needed to target even one individual for real time thought and human body data analysis and for human body manipulation and modification. GPS signals need to be synchronised in order to achieve constant contact with the targeted subject. Cell phone towers are essential for GPS signal synchronisation. Brain damage or death can be caused on purpose in order to declare war on the human race.

This system leaves almost no connection to the culprits. It shorts the justice system and it goes around the constitution. The justice system does not understand advances in technology. For further information please check out the following link to a youtube video where the electronics engineer Dave Case is being interviewed by award winning online journalist Ramola D.


Neuro operatives are using data analysis of the electrical activity sourced from the brain stem of implanted victims of remote neural monitoring to decipher what the victim has said and done, even down to what the victim has eaten and how long they have slept on any given day. Wireless Body Area Networks known as WBANs are being implanted throughout the brains and bodies of unknowing individuals. Data is then being stolen from these illegally implanted individuals and it is being used for wide area data analysis of humanity for the purposes of using that data for the widespread control and enslavement of human kind in the future. This illegal surveillance via secretly implanting humans with WBANs is being conducted by a small sector of our fellow human beings who own and control extremely advanced technology which gives them a considerable advantage in the human technological enslavement process which is now occurring behind the scenes in our lives in what is known as a stealth war of attrition.  Demand the banning of wireless enabling capabilities urgently if you wish to live in freedom.

 The hoax of demonic possession as well as other hoaxes such as the hoax of an extra-terresterial presence and the hoax of near death experiences are all being generated by experiences which were actually created neuro weapons operatives. Stories of these hoaxes are being driven by criminals who wish to cover up the existence and vast capabilities of neuro weapons as well as the vast capabilities of other directed energy weapons.

 All worldwide date is currently being transmitted via undersea fibre optic cables. Most have concluded that the existence of satellites is a hoax. 

I myself am a victim of both in-home surveillance and psychological torture and remote neural manipulation for more than fifteen years.  I know many other Irish victims of this ongoing extreme form of wireless psychological  torture.  These individuals are from all over Ireland, including Cartron Estate, Sligo City, Blackrock, Co. Louth, Aghamore, Ballyhaunis, Leitrim Lower, Co. Leitrim, Six Mile Bridge, Co. Clare, Sallynoggin, Co. Dublin, Columbanus Place, Milltown, Dublin 14, and many others whose email addresses I am in possession of but I will not be any more specific about their identities.  We no longer look for help from the psychiatric community because they refuse to confront the reality of wirelessly enabled in-home surveillance and psychological torture which is being conducted via voice transmissions that are carried along  a two way continuous stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy from the brain of the non-consenting neuro weapons research subject to the computers of the criminals who are involved in this neuro research.   

For further information on recent developments in brain science please click on the following link to the work of Professor James Giordano of Georgetown University, Washington D.C.,

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There is a crisis occurring behind the scenes in all of our lives. Many individuals throughout most countries of the world are having wireless body sensor networks which are also known as WBANs implanted in and on their bodies, where they are then wirelessly tethered to a computer system which effectively turns them into electronic slaves, where all electrical activity in their brains and bodies are being monitored on a constant basis throughout each and every moment of their lives . When they complain to agents of the state nothing of any value is being done to help them to the extent that most of these so-called electronic slaves have stopped consulting the police, psychiatry, social workers, general practitioners, politicians, and clergy men about this growing and extreme problem. They can not effectively prove that they have been implanted by this wireless body sensor network, as the implantation is taking place at a time where they have been rendered unaware that they are being implanted by the use of frequency weapons.  However, when tested under controlled conditions, the frequencies which are being emitted from their bodies differ profoundly from the frequencies which are being emitted from the bodies of human beings who have not yet become wirelessly linked to this computer system. 

The ongoing process of turning human beings into electronic slaves has become a large and growing industry which is being conducted behind the scenes of our lives by a growing army of human beings some of who are being allowed out of prison early in order to continue the process of surreptitiously implanting their fellow human beings with WBANs.  Some human beings have been singled out for extra punishment whereby their whole bodies are being prepared for rigid immobilization also known as paralysis if they refuse to obey the would-be slave masters.   Some human beings are experiencing a relatively new phenomenon known as forced muscle movement due to the fact that their muscles can be wirelessly remote controlled by outside operatives. They can be made to commit a crime against their will. They can be made to have super human strength.

Some individuals who are deemed criminals by the false worldwide establishment are in reality victims of this technology.    We must not worry about how this information will effect the economy for now because the corporate shareholders who are behind the worldwide initiative to implant everybody other than the would-be slave masters with WBANs have stated that they are implementing  plans to ban the use of personal money in a future of worldwide electronic human slavery and worldwide wireless tethering to a network of computers.    A Remote Neural Monitoring super-computer would monitor and manipulate all electrical activity in the brains of human kind on a constant basis throughout each day. Currently fourth generation wireless capabilities can conduct remote neural monitoring on a few individuals in any community on a continual basis. If or when fifth generation wireless capabilities would be rolled out then all electrical activity in the brains of thousands of human beings could be both monitored and manipulated on a constant and simultaneous basis throughout each day to the extent that a wirelessly tethered human being would have no privacy of any kind for the rest of their lives.  Wireless human electronic enslavement would then become main stream. Please deny the Irish government the right to install fifth generation wireless capabilities within our country. Act now.  My website is called ;   For further information see attached link  by well known online journalist Ramola D

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The science within this post is from the work of Bryan Tew who I do not know and who is a former United States department of defence contractor.

Remote Controlled Human Beings are currently being created all over the world by wireless means.  These human beings are fully aware that they are slowly and incrementally being turned into bio-robots and they can not do anything to stop the bio-robotization process.  They are frightened beyond words.  After they become fully bio-robotized they may be used to kill other human beings.  Please read here below how this human bio-robotization work is being achieved.

Many human beings throughout most of the world are now wirelessly tied to super-computers via nano technology which has been imbedded inside their brains and bodies, which they have both inhaled and ingested from chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads.    The Remote Neural Monitoring super-computer monitors and manipulates all electrical activity in their brains on a constant basis throughout each day. It uses physical and psychological trauma to map out and reverse engineer the sensory and neural pathways of the brain and central nervous system of the victim of gradual bio-robotization in order to then build a cognotive model of that brain.

We all have nano technology inside our bodies and brains which we have inhaled and ingested from chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads.  Particulates of this nano technology inside the body of the human being who has been selected for bio-robotization   are  wirelessly linked by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to a large network of computers combined with a super computer. This process has come to be known as Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation.  The nano technology speaks to and decodes the neuro transmitters of the human brain in a process called transcranial brain stimulation enabling the mind of the targeted individual to be read and replied to in real time .  A team of data analysts download and catalogue all of the data from the brain and body of the targeted individual of Remote Neural Monitoring.

Another completely separate team of hidden operatives who are known as gang stalkers    do everything in their power to discredit the targeted individual so that the targeted individual will not be believed. They use slander campaigns and false psychiatry to discredit these victims of gradual bio-robotization. In some situations these gang stalkers create a hostile environment everywhere the victim goes in order to isolate the victim so that there is no external interference which might dampen down the desired neuro programming.

A third team of individuals who are in essence neuro operatives are sometimes known as the hive mind team. They can introduce sound, voices, aromas, sensations, images, thoughts, and emotions into the brain of the targeted individual or on some occasions targeted group. The victim becomes a walking digital receiver. The hive mind team attempt to restrict the victim at will using remotely induced trauma and pain. They use bio-communication to project their voices inside the brain of the victim. They eventually are able to manipulate the visual cortex of the victim to introduce images into the victims field of vision. They introduce signals into the audio cortex of the victim to introduce sounds and voices. They manipulate the sensory cortex of the victim to introduce sensations or pain. They manipulate the motor cortex of the victim in order to cause movement to the muscles of the victim anywhere throughout the victims face or body. By modulation of the phase, frequency and amplitude of the stream of energy they can target any area of the human anatomy.

Over many years of laborious work, the neuro operatives who work by wireless means and from a remote location connect every sub group of muscles inside the body of the targeted individual who is destined for human bio-robotization from nano particulates which have been inhaled into the subjects body to a network of computers and a super computer. Each of these sub group of muscles is individually linked to the super-computer by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy until the day comes when all of the sub groups of muscles throughout the body of the victim is eventually linked to the super-computer. The super-computer co-ordinates all sub groups of muscles within the body of the victim to work in tandem with each other.  The victim can then be wirelessly remote controlled by sadistic criminals to place one of their hands on a hot stove totally against their will or even to kill another human being against their will.  The continuous two way streams of low frequency electromagnetic energy which link the victim to the super-computer is so strong that it can enable the victim to fight off ten strong men if necessary.  The victim does not even need to be alive to achieve this. The victims body is totally remote controlled by a neuro operative or neuro operatives who may even be working by wireless means from thousands of miles away. The slow and incremental process of human bio-robotization is being co-ordinated as an act of war against the human race. It is part of an ongoing war of attrition that is being waged against us for dozens of years.

This process of human bio-robotization has already been achieved.  I believe the following linked youtube video which is called MADNESS IN THE FAST LANE, SWEDISH SISTERS FULL VERSION is an example of two human beings who have been bio-robotized. There is no other explanation for their extreme strength and unusual capabilities even after one of them was seriously injured by a truck.

When the neuro operatives plan to take over the body of a human being they inform the human being in advance of the take over.  When the psychopaths who currently run this planet have some plan for the human race they always inform the human race in advance through predictive programming in movies.  Movies have been full of information about this human bio-robotization process for many decades.

Human beings who believe that they are being slowly and incrementally bio-robotized can easily be saved from whole body takeover simply by receiving a strong pulse of magnetic energy to their bodies which will destroy the nano technology inside them and set them free from their fate. However, they need electronically mind controlled government officials such as the police and psychiatrists to believe them, because magnetic pulse technology is beyond the reach of most targeted individuals.  Police stations are being located directly under telephone towers in order to facilitate the electronic mind control process.  We aught to ban microwave transmitters from all countries throughout the world immediately.


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This morning a voice which I heard coming from inside my head against my will and without my permission via military technological capabilities was heard to say by me and about me the following "  Label Gretta Fahey an informant".    Following this a second voice was then heard to say by me "  Gretta Fahey has never met any of the people who knowingly induce voices inside her head and she has rejected all offers of payments which were offered to her through voice induction via ear canal voice channels."  The first voice then followed on by saying "Relabel her quarry, that being the case."

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I have been in poor health for many years due to irritable bowel syndrome and bladder problems.  I attended many general medical practitioners and specialists to no avail.  I read many diet books and tried many diets which did not improve my general health.   I ate only raw food for several months but my general health did not improve because of that practice.   I once fasted on distilled water for a full twenty three days straight in order to improve my health.  My health  slightly improved for a while after  that.   However,  I now know I have found the ultimate cure all by following the late great Dr Sebi whose work is to be found online, in many youtube videos and websites.  For still  further information check you the youtube videos of Taylor Budd.

Natural plants found in nature contain the right balance of nutrients to keep us in abundant health.  When plants are combined together to create a new plant, it is called a hybrid plant and it contains starch which is highly addictive and nutritionally off balance.  In the past, starch based plants where considered suitable food for slaves because they kept the slaves in a state of constant hunger due to mineral imbalances, to such an extent that they were easy to control by the feeding them starch based non- foods.    Starch based substances posing as real food are so addictive that they are now being seen as a gate way drug to stronger starch based drugs such as alcohol and cocaine.    The solution if you suffer from any illness whatsoever is to stay away from all starch containing hybridized plants such as potatoes, carrots, garlic, cranberries, wheat, most forms of rice and many others.   To ensure good health  keep to a vegan diet of non-hybrid plants such as mushrooms, onions, romaine lettuce, cherry and plum tomatoes, avocados, spelt, quinoa, kamut, and a wide variety of fruit except most bananas which are mostly hybridized.

"By changing the genetic order the new plant is high in starch which is corrosive to human tissues. There are many people who are allergic to wheat and are not aware of these facts. Changing the genetic order of wild life forms and creates genetic mineral and chemical imbalances and mutations in the new species and all that eats it."

Non hybrid true natural food is in short supply throughout the world.   The whole human race must return to growing all of their own food in multi shelf greenhouses in suburban back yards.  If the dark occultists who have more and more world money and power in their hands control the food supply they could eventually enslave the rest of the human race by total control of the food supply.  Purchase only  heirloom seeds for your garden and your greenhouse.  When we are eating only pure non-hybridized food we only need to eat once per day.

I am a targeted individual of non-consensual Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation.  I am wirelessly tethered by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic waves to a network of computers from implants which were placed inside my head and body at a time when I was unaware that I was being implanted.  This allows me to hear the  wirelessly enabled  voices of unknown  neuro operatives coming from inside my head.  These neuro operatives  monitor me on a continual basis, both day and night, and they  have done so for more than fifteen years.  They constantly taunt me about the fact that I am in poor health to the extent that  I no longer work.  When I eventually  found the answer to my poor health through eating a vegan diet of non-hybrid true natural food, which is free of starch for the most part, the neuro operatives decided that they must suppress knowledge of this health giving diet plan among the public.  Therefore, their intentions in all of their work is never  about improving the health and well-being  of the general public.  It is always about controlling and enslaving the general public in any and all possible ways, especially financially, mentally, legally, wirelessly and through addictive starch-based non food.




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Millions of good living human beings throughout the western world are currently being subjected to a system called Remote Neural Monitoring, which involves being non-consensually and unwillingly wirelessly linked to a super-computer by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic waves from nano implants inside their brains and bodies. If general medical practitioners and the police are informed by the subjects themselves of being subjects of Remote Neural Monitoring, both the general medical practitioners and police would lose their jobs if they failed to send the complainants for psychiatric evaluation. When psychiatrists are then informed by the subjects themselves that they are being Remote Neural Monitored they are detained inside a psychiatric facility for an indefinite period of time, where they are legally obliged to take highly toxic substances which slowly and incrementally damage their brains and bodies. This is the reason why Remote Neural Monitoring is so widespread that it could collapse the whole fabric of society at this point in time and yet nobody knows about it except the millions of torture victims that it leaves in its wake. Ban microwave transmitters for true human freedom.

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When the human race succeeds in destroying and outlawing all microwave and millimetre wave transmitters as well as all telephone masts,  GWEN towers and phased arrays we will then be free from wireless enslavement via both body control and mind control forever.  This ongoing wireless enslavement of human beings is called Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation.   We will return to a state of absolute freedom, forever free from the attempted enslavement of the human race by dark occultists who currently own and control all worldwide banks, many corporations, the crown corporation, the United Nations, the Vatican, Washington DC, the London Financial District, the Pentagon, the British Commonwealth and much more  The existence of satellites is an easily proven hoax.  All worldwide data travels via undersea fibre optic cables.  Many senior politicians and news editors and police chiefs may already be controlled by Remote Neural Monitoring.  Please raise awareness of the urgent need to have microwave transmitters disabled and banned forever.

Remote Neural Monitoring is being used to send digital signals to the audio cortex of a human brain thereby forcing that human being to hear voices of military/intelligence personnel totally against the will of said human being.

Remote Neural Monitoring is being used to send digital signals to the visual cortex of a human brain thereby forcing that human being to see visions put their by artificial means.

Remote Neural Monitoring is being used to send digital signals to the motor cortex of a human brain thereby forcing that human being to move their muscles against their will.

Remote Neural Monitoring is being used to detect the subvocalizations of a human being thereby enabling military/industrial personnel to read the private thoughts of said human being totally against their will and to reply to them in real time via signals being returned to the audio cortex.

Remote Neural Monitoring is being used to send digital signals to sub-dermal implants  of a human being which may be translated into pain signals at the point of impact.

Remote Neural Monitoring is being used to surveil all five senses of a human being.

Remote Neural Monitoring can effectively be carried out without any physical contact with the targeted human being.

The stringent laws of psychiatry are being used to cover the existence and extreme dangers of Remote Neural Monitoring.   Mind Control is  being used against psychiatrists and others in order to suppress all knowledge of Remote Neural Monitoring.

I personally know of many individuals throughout the island of Ireland who are wirelessly tethered to a supercomputer for the purposes of facilitating Remote Neural Monitoring of them. They no longer complain to the Gardai because they are continually being disbelieved as well as being considered insane. They can not prove that they are being Remote Neural Monitored because wirelessly enabled directed energy is invisible. Combined with this anybody who claims that they hear voices and their thoughts are being read are being ridiculed by sections of the main stream media. The overwhelming power of ridicule is impossible to fight against.

Please organise to your senior politicians to have all microwave transmitters urgently disabled and banned in your area.

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I am being remote neural monitored and I hear the technologically induced voices of the remote neural monitoring staff coming from inside my head on a constant basis. These remote neural monitoring staff appear to be able to wirelessly analyse everybody I speak to in some way that I do not yet understand.

On one occasion two members of the same family came to my home to make a delivery. However, I myself did not meet them as another member of my own family took the delive...ry. The voices of the remote neural monitoring staff which I am hearing from inside my head informed me at that time that they were unable to wirelessly analyze the two delivery men because these delivery men did not have the required uptake of something needed to make a wireless analysis.

I wondered at that time if the two delivery men did not have the required number of vaccinations in their bodies or the required amount of time in front of a digital media screen in order to make them vulnerable to this covert wireless remote analysis. They were both men who lived in a rural countryside location.

I am  aware that clothing can be wirelessly analysed for their level of cleanliness because of nano particulates in laundry detergent. I am also aware that targeted individuals of remote neural monitoring can have the food in their stomachs wirelessly analysed by remote means because of nano particulates in all processed foods.

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Subvocalisation is a process whereby when we think to ourselves we silently verbalise our thoughts allowing our brain to sends neuro signals to our mouth, jaw and throat. If the mouth, jaws and throat of a human being have been implanted with a series of electrodes or other bio-sensors or nano-sensors then said neuro signals can be gathered and sent to a processor where they are translated into words.    In many non-consensual and unwilling victims of implantation these words are then being read and replied to in real time and the sound signals from the reply are being sent to a series of sensors which are implanted in the hearing centres of the human brain.  This methodology is currently in widespread use throughout the western world where it is being used by criminal gangs to create undetectable neuro slaves.   Said criminal gangs force their voices inside the heads of unwilling victims of illegal brain and body implantation and they then read the thoughts of the victim in reply.  The criminal gangs use this illegally obtained data for many reasons, some of which are insider trading, stealing of intellectual property rights and the creation of neuro slaves.

It is being claimed that human beings throughout the western world have been inhaling and ingesting nano particulates from processed food, water and chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads for the past number of years.   It is being further claimed that these  nano particles are then being implanted from the bloodstream into the brain and body of a selection of non-consensual and unwilling human beings by wireless means and from a distance, through a process known as neuro processing.  Neuro processing is being achieved by the use of energy  by a coterie of criminal neuro staff who are unknown to the victim of nano implantation.   When the brain and body of a target of neuro processing is fully implanted with nano particles, criminal gangs then have access to a myriad of implants throughout the human brain and body.  They sometimes use these implants to transmit voice commands and possible pain signals to human beings who at that stage could be considered as partial neuro slaves.   This neuro enslavement system is in widespread use throughout the whole western world and it could be used to enslave most of the human race by a small cartel of dark occultists if we neglect to outlaw microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia.  The existence of satellites is an easily proven hoax.  World wide data is being transmitted using undersea fibre optic cables.

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